For Maxwell Render V3, we have switched to the RLM License Server system (Reprise License Manager). This system is widely used by software vendors and will allow a much more robust license management. This has several advantages compared to the previous licensing system. One is that all the users on the computer will be able to run Maxwell. Furthermore, IT admins have much more flexibility in handling the licensing of Maxwell in larger corporate/education networks. You can for example launch a web browser to see how many licenses are in use and who is using them, or block specific seats by name depending on timezone etc.
License Server administration
By default the RLM License Server will use the TCP port 5054, and you can in fact check if the server is running by opening an internet browser window and typing the URL: http://localhost:5054 in the computer that's running the server. This will show you the RLM administration options, where you can for example check the status of a license, see which computers are using licenses, or stop/start the server etc.
For IT managers and wanting to know more about the RLM system, how to adjust it to specific needs, or how to make different RLM compatible applications run from the same license server, please check the RLM administration manual
How to make Maxwell Render work with an already existing RLM License Server