- “No” disables any optimization.
- “Curvature” removes polygons in flat areas.
- “Camera” depends on the current view. Areas closer to the camera have higher resolution, while distant parts show reduced quality.
Min Angle
The range of this parameter is between 0 and 90.
Values close to
- 90 degrees will remove vertices and faces that are almost coplanar, effectively reducing the amount of faces in areas where we don't have detail
- 0 degrees will remove vertices and faces also in areas with detail changing the overall shape of the object.
Max Steps
Specify how often the optimization will be applied:
- With every step the number of vertices and faces is being decreased.
- The new vertices and faces might also be optimized further during the following steps.
Optimize camera
Here you can select a camera for use with the “Camera” option under “Optimize”. This camera can also be animated to create a dynamic view-dependent mesh.