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This section covers the part of the plugin which handles sequences of particle BIN files using the "ParticleLoader" object. The "ParticleLoader" object can be found in the “Geometry” sub-tab of the “Create” tab under the “RealFlow” combo selection.


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ParticleLoader object.


Here are the ParticleLoader properties:


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The settings for the ParticleLoader object are:

  • Icon Size: Icon size in viewport
  • Emitter Hidden: Shows/hides the particle emitter in the viewport
  • Display Every: Displays every X particles in the viewport
  • Render Every: Renders every X particles in the viewport
  • Select File Sequence: Opens a "File Open" dialog for the user to select a BIN file sequence
  • Path: Shows the path to the current loaded BIN sequence
  • Prefix: Shows the name of the loaded BIN file
  • Lock last frame: Locks the last frame of loaded sequence
  • Invert sequence: The BIN sequence is read in an inverse order
  • Offset: Indicates the frame from which the animation will start