HM - Boundaries

HM - Boundaries

Here you are able to crop the Hybrido mesh, remove unwanted parts, and extend the mesh to create the impression of a huge ocean surface. → Interactive meshing is supported.


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Open boundaries

A → Hybrido domain's viewport representation shows a square with four boxes:

  • The square represents the projection plane for the fluid's → displacement, also known as ocean statistical spectrum.
  • When this option is active the mesh polygons outside the projection plane are clipped.
  • Polygons below the projection plane will be removed as well.
  • The projection plane's size is responsible for the displacement's scale.
@ extension

Here you extend the mesh to create the impression of a very large ocean;

  • A given number of tiles is added around the original surface and blends them together.
  • With growing distance from the centre, the mesh's polygons become larger.
  • A denser polygon zone around the core fluid mesh describes the transition from the high-resolution to the low-resolution part.
  • The “@ falloff” parameters create a seamless transition between the core fluid and the tiles.
  • It is also possible to adjust the sea level.
@ Uncoupled

Your options:

  • No”. Core fluid mesh and extension are treated as one mesh

  • Yes”. Core fluid mesh and extension are stored as two separate files.

@ Sea Level Auto

If you want to adjust the sea level in world coordinates manually change this option to “No”. The automatically determined level is displayed in the → “Messages” window. This value can be copied and pasted to "@ Sea Level" to save time during the meshing process.

@ Sea Level


  • negative settings, the tiles are lowered and the core fluid will be embossed
  • positive values, the result is an immersion around the core fluid.
@ Fall Off

When enabled the core fluid waves are faded to create seamless transitions between the main mesh and the tiles:

  • The falloff area is indicated by two squares.
  • This option can also be used when the associated “Repeat ±U/±V” values are set to 0.
  • If you cannot see them clearly switch to “Top” view with the 1 key and use the “Bounding Box” mode (7); check if Display > Extension draft is set to “Yes”.
@ Fall Off Bandwidth

This is the area where the core fluid surface is smoothed and is displayed as a dashed square. Bandwidth is measured from the fluid's border to its centre (outside → inside) and given in metres. A value of 0, represents the fluid's border and disables the smoothing effect. The greater the value, the larger the smoothing area.

@ Fall Off Offset

By default, the smoothing process starts at the core fluid mesh's borders, but it is possible to shift this limit. With values greater than 0, the core fluid part will shrink and the flat area (which can be seen as the connection between the extension and the main mesh) becomes larger.

Repeat +U/Repeat -U

Here you enter the number of extension tiles in a positive and negative X direction. When Display > Extension draft is set to “Yes” the tiles are displayed as a grid.

Repeat +V/-V

This is the number of tiles in Y/Z direction – the used axis depends on your current → axis setup. When Display > Extension draft is set to “Yes” the tiles are displayed as a grid.

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