Bubbles - Bubbles Dynamics

Bubbles - Bubbles Dynamics

Here is the place to control the bubble particles' lifetime and behaviour.



Buoyancy force

Buoyancy counteracts gravity and makes objects rise. With a value of 9.8 for the vertical direction you will get a natural behaviour, but it is also possible to accelerate or decelerate the bubbles with higher or lower values. You can also add horizontal components to influence the bubbles' motion. RealFlow's → “Axis Setup” defines the vertical and horizontal axes. Click on "+" for sliders.

Bubbles min lifetime

If you want to destroy the particles after a certain time then you can define a lifespan with “Bubbles min | max lifetime”. The actual lifetime will be somewhere between both values, and this value defines the lower limit. The value is given seconds.

Bubbles max lifetime

If you want to destroy the particles after a certain time then you can define a lifespan with “Bubbles min | max lifetime”. The actual lifetime will be somewhere between both values, and this value defines the upper limit. The value is given seconds.

Bubbles min friction

Friction is a very good method for controlling the bubble's velocities. A particle's actual friction will be somewhere between the “Bubbles min | max” friction” values. The parameter is dimensionless and ranges between 0.0 and 1.0. With a value of 0.0 the particle is not affected by the surrounding particles.

Bubbles max friction

Friction is a very good method for controlling the bubble's velocities. A particle's actual friction will be somewhere between the “Bubbles min | max” friction” values. The parameter is dimensionless and ranges between 0.0 and 1.0. With a value of 0.0 the particle is not affected by the surrounding particles.

Bubbles surface offset

This is the distance from the fluid surface where the bubbles are created. The parameter is given in metres.

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