Splash & Foam - Splash Dynamics

Splash & Foam - Splash Dynamics

Here you can adjust the splash particles' lifespan.


Splash min lifetime

When a splash particle is created, it has a radius of 1.0 and RealFlow calculates an expected lifetime based on the settings under “Splash min/max lifetime”. During its lifetime, the radius is constantly decreasing and when it reaches 0.0, the particle dies. When a splash particle hits the core fluid surface it will be deleted immediately regardless of its current lifetime. This is the minimum lifetime of the splash particles given in seconds [s]. The lifetime parameters are a very good method of controlling the amount of splash particles. If you use different values for “Splash min lifetime” and “Splash max lifetime”, the actual lifetime will be somewhere between both settings.

Splash max lifetime

This is the maximum lifetime of the splash particles given in seconds [s]. The lifetime parameters are a very good method to control the amount of splash particles. If you use different values for “Splash min lifetime” and “Splash max lifetime”, the actual lifetime will be somewhere between both settings.