

Here you can find all necessary functions to start a network simulation. When everything is adjusted correctly (“Job manager”), this job is actually just a one-click action.




This button automatically attaches an emitter to its appropriate IDOC. RealFlow detects whether an emitter is inside an IDOC and directly establishes the required connection. Another method is to drag the emitter onto the IDOC node within the "Nodes" panel. The “Update” button is much faster for more than one domain, because it supports multi-selection and all emitter nodes can be added with a single click. That is not only comfortable, but also makes sure that you cannot forget a domain!

Send to job manager

By clicking on this button, RealFlow appends the current IDOC to the "Job Manager’s" network queue. "Send to Job Manager" only considers the particular IDOC. Please note that each IDOC node must be appended individually. To check whether it is added correctly, just open the "Job Manager" from:

Layout > Job Manager