SketchUp Object Properties

The Object Properties window is used to manage per-object attributes:


It may be opened by clicking the Object Properties button in the plugin's toolbar:

This window tracks the active selection, with modifications being made to all selected objects.Several properties are supported:


OpacitySets the opacity of the object, regardless of its assigned material.
BooleanSets this object to act as a render-time boolean, used to cut other geometry, rather than be rendered itself. When set to Box or Sphere, the bounding box of the geometry defines the size of the cutting primitive. For more information, see here.
Object IDSets the color for this object in the Object ID Render Channel (and therefore only applies in the context of the Render Suite plugin).
SmoothingThis value is either used to smooth normals on geometry, post-export, or to determine the smoothing applied by the Subdivision Modifier, when Subdivision is enabled.
SubdivisionEnables Subdivision for this object. Due to the type of meshes produced by SketchUp, it is generally best to use the Loop Scheme. For more information, see here.



Be aware that Subdivision may easily consume a great deal of memory, and may therefore crash the SketchUp process.