After Effects plug-in version history
After Effects plug-in version history
v2.7.20.0 (Oct 31st 2012)
New features:
- Windows version. "Create Maxwell MXI comps" at "File" menu entry asks now for comp duration in seconds, in case there is a single frame.
v2.7.10.1 (Sep 4th 2012)
- MXI's bigger than 44.73 Megapixels crashes After Effects (bad memory allocation).
v2.7.10.0 (Aug 16th 2012)
New features:
- Maxwell MXIs supported.
v2.7.0.0 (Jun 18th 2012)
New features:
- Maxwell MXIs supported.
v2.6.10.1 (Feb 13th 2012)
Bugs fixed:
- AE crashes opening .aep projects.
- Plugin version showed in the project panel.
v2.6.10.0 (Jan 27th 2012)
New features:
- Maxwell MXIs supported.
v2.6.0.0 (Nov 2nd 2011)
New features:
- MXI loading time improved.
- Maxwell MXIs supported.
v2.5.1 (Jan 13th 2011)
First Release features
- The plug-in allow users to import MXI files/sequences into Adobe After Effects.
- All MXI buffers are readable using the MXI Extractor effect.
- 8, 16 and 32 bpc projects are supported. We advise to use 32 bpc projects to make the most of the MXIs high quality.
- After Effects CS3, CS4, and CS5 are supported. Windows and OSX versions are available.
- Multilight support using a layer approach (see the "Creating comps from a MXI footage" subsection from the manual).
, multiple selections available,