Emitter : Emission Fill

Emitter : Emission Fill

You can use any object with this emitter to fill it or create particles on its surface. Changes on position, rotation, or scale do not affect this emitter, because the creation of particles depends on the object you want to fill with particles.



RealFlow Scene

In RealFlow | Maya it is possible to use multiple "Scene" trees in the same project. To link the emitter to a "Scene" node right click on the field, click on "Set Scene" and choose an entry from the appearing list.


To link the emitter to a "Fluid" right click on the field, click on "Set Fluid" and choose a fluid container from the appearing list. An emitter can be connected to one fluid container only.

To learn more about how to link RealFlow scene elements and make them interact take a look at the "Manual Linking" page with examples.

Emitter Type

Toggle the emitter type with this drop-down menu. The following parameters and the viewport representation will be updated according to your selection. Bear in mind that type changes will change the emitter's and fluid's behaviour completely.


You can add any closed object to this slot to fill it with particles, but only one node per emitter is allowed.


By default, the emitter creates a regular particle distribution and this leads to patterns. “Jittering” adds random displacement to the particles. The allowed values range between 0.0 and 1.0 for maximum randomness.


In order to change the initial distribution of particles in conjunction with "Jittering" change this value. You can enter any positive number.

Fill Ratio X

This parameter is used to achieve partial filling. A value of 0.0 means that there are no particles in X direction, while 1.0 entirely uses the selected axis.

Fill Ratio Y

This parameter is used to achieve partial filling. A value of 0.0 means that there are no particles in Y direction, while 1.0 entirely uses the selected axis.

Fill Ratio Z

This parameter is used to achieve partial filling. A value of 0.0 means that there are no particles in Z direction, while 1.0 entirely uses the selected axis.

Fill Mode

The effect of this option is based on an object's → "Volume Mode" settings. We have prepared a video with more information on filling objects.

  • With "Fill solid region" an object's inner area will be filled. 
  • "Fill non solid region" adds particles outside the volume.
Surface Offset

Use this parameter with positive values to add particles even outside of the filled object, or use a negative value to add an extra gap between the object surface and the particles that will be created. 

Layers to Remove

With this function it is possible to delete particle layers from the outside to the inside. This creates a gap between the object and the fluid.

Fill Volume

Activate this feature to fill the object with particles. Here are a few notes:

  • As soon as a force is acting on the particles, e.g. “Gravity” the particles will start to collapse. This means that the original volume will not be maintained.
  • You have to simulate for a certain time to let the fluid particles settle. Then, an → initial state  can be created and the simulation is resumed from this state.

With “Fill volume” disabled the particles are spread over the object's surface. This feature does not create a particle stream. When the emitter's associated object carries a texture (see “Texture”) the particles will only be created in areas with texture values greater then 0.


With “Layer” turned on and a texture it is possible to create particles in certain areas on the object's surface:

  • The object requires UV coordinates.
  • Particles are only created in areas with color/grey scale values greater than 0. With RGB images the red channel is used to create the particles.
  • Please watch the → "Image Emitter" video for detailed information.

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