Display Options
Display Options
RealFlow | Cinema 4D's simulation and scene elements provide several display options:
- With "Visible in Editor" and "Visible in Renderer" it is possible to show and hide a scene element. The mode of operation is exactly the as with standard Cinema 4D objects.
- "Use Color" and "Display Color" effect daemons only.
- By default, the RealFlow | Cinema 4D logo is visible once there is a "Scene" object. To hide it go to Scene > Display > Display Icon.
- Some daemons can be bounded to a certain volume. This bounding volume is displayed in the viewport; handles allow you to change the volume's size interactively.
- Fluid containers provide a wide variety of options to customize the particles' look under Fluid > Display.
- For detailed information about how to work with the "Display" settings, please open → "Fluids : Display".
- If you have attached → render objects to a fluid container you can decide whether you want to show the objects in the viewport or at render time only: Fluid > Particles > Child Objects > Render only.
Only objects with a → "Collider" tag are able to interact with RealFlow | Cinema 4D particles.
- In order to improve → fluid-object interaction you can visualize an object's collision geometry with Collider tag > Display > Show Collision Geometry.
- This option draws a red mesh around the object; the mesh reacts on your settings made under the tag's "Property" tab.
- Under "Display" you also see "Display Collision Velocity". This option is available for animated objects and displays its velocity as red lines: the lines' length is an indicator for the object's velocity.
- Reset the scene or scrub the timeline if the mesh/velocity is not visible.
An sphere's collision geometry and velocity vectors (only available for animated objects).
- Meshes provide vertex maps for the vertices' individual X, Y, and Z velocity components.
- If you want to use the combined speed values instead go to Mesher > Channels > Speed.
- The individual "Scale" values are used to enhance the difference between the velocity values: with smaller values, e.g. 0.2 you normally get better results.
- By default, the velocity distribution is only visible at → render time in conjunction with a material.
- When the mesh is made editable it is possible to preview the colour range (see right image below) by clicking on a vertex map. Of course this action will make the mesh an object and you will lose all parameters.