Caching is an essential element with simulations in general, not only with RealFlow | Cinema 4D. As a user of MoGraph or Cinema 4D's cloth and body dynamics you are certainly aware of this process.

There are a few things you should know about caching anyway:

For more questions and information about caching we recommend the → "Caching" page in the "Ask" section.

The Caching Process

In order to cache a particle simulation you just have to follow two simple steps (the workflow is exactly the same for meshes, but here an existing particle cache is required):


Change the "Cache Folder (macOS | Windows)" to your own needs before you cache the simulation.

If the scene contains fluid and mesh nodes both elements will be cached together when you hit "Cache Simulation". You can avoid this if you make the "Mesher" node inactive (disable the green check mark in Cinema 4D's "Objects" manager).

Visual Hint

When RealFlow | Cinema 4D is in cache mode ("Use Cache" is enabled) you will see a hint in the HUD and that the main logo in the viewport has changed:


The Cache Files

In Cinema 4D, scene elements can have identical names and so it is possible to have to "Fluid" containers or "Mesher" with the exact same name: