You can customize RealFlow's user interface layout. All changes are temporary, unless you save the layout (see → below).

Configuring the User Interface

Every panel provides a set of five icons:



  1. Opens a context menu to change and convert a panel's type.
  2. Opens a context menu to split the viewport ("Split Horizont", "Split Vertical", "Split Quad").
  3. Collapses a panel.
  4. Detaches a panel from the layout and makes it float.
  5. Closes and removes a panel.

Resizing Panels

To change a panel's size

It is possible to maximize the viewport by removing all panels with Layout > Clean Layout.

To switch back to the default or any other saved layout, go to Layout > Apply Layout.

Icon Bars

There are also a few default icon bars attached.



If you want to modify them follow these steps:

Saving, Loading, Applying Layouts

Saving layoutsGo to Layout > Save Layout
Where to save layouts

Ideally, layouts are saved in RealFlow's default layout folder (see image below)

Changing the default layouts folder

The default layout folder can be changed under File | RealFlow > Preferences > Layout > Layouts Folder (see image below)

Defining a start-up layout

A start-up layout can be determined under File | RealFlow > Preferences > Layout > Default Layout (see image below)

Loading other layouts

To load a layout file go to Layout > Load Layout

Where to find custom layouts

Layouts in the default folder appear under Layout > Apply Layout