The → "Filter" daemon in RealFlow | Cinema 4D allows you to define simple comparisons and conditions, so-called expressions, in order to transfer particles between fluid containers.
Let's assume you want to filter the particles from “Fluid_A” against their velocities. If a particle' speed is lower than 2.0 the particle should be transferred to “Fluid_B”:
Target > Fluid_A
Source > Fluid_B
Condition > Expression
Under “Expression” enter: particle.speed < 2.0
You can use any other keywords from the table and modify the expression to your needs. It is also possible to combine expressions, e.g.
if particle.age > particle.velocity
Attribute | Expression keyword |
Age |
Collision |
Density |
Force |
ID |
Mass |
Neighbors |
Normal |
Position |
Pressure |
Texture |
Velocity |
Viscosity |
Vorticity |
Emitter Id | particle.emitterid* |
* An emitter's Id can be seen in the HUD.