When you work with RealWave and objects you will recognize that both node types intersect each other: the floating object does not cut a hole into the wave surface. This is not a malfunction, but RealWave’s normal behaviour. The reason is that the propagation of the waves, introduced through the object's motion and the wave modifier(s), cannot be calculated correctly if the surface is not completely closed. It is also a very difficult task to update the mesh dynamically by adding and closing the holes which are created by the intersecting objects. For a single object this task could be solved, but imagine dozens of floating, sinking and emerging objects. Such a scenario produces a totally torn RealWave surface without the possibility of correcting the motion of both the waves and the interacting objects.
Body type
You can choose between “Closed” (default) and open. Closed types are actually all 3D objects, such as boats, spheres or characters. Open types are thin 2-dimensional items, for example tree leaves or sheets of paper.