Here it is possible to determine the waves’ travelling direction. You can create interesting effects in combination with other modifiers by using slightly different angles.
To create more details on the wave surface, octaves should be raised. It could also be seen as the fractal’s frequency. Higher frequencies lead to a more complex fractal and therefore you can create waves. With values above 10 to 12 Increase this value to get more surface structures. With values above 7 you will hardly notice any change of the surface’s structure. Denser meshes show more structures.
As mentioned under “Height”, this value is responsible for the vertical Control the height of the surface waves generated with “Slope”. Try to avoid exaggerated values, because they mostly look unnatural. For very large ocean surfaces, “Slope” should range between 1.0 and 3.0structures created with “Octaves”.
Fractal speed
A wave always travels along the surface at a certain velocity. This speed can be adjusted here and should always be in relation to scale, environment, objects on or around the surface, the viewer’s distance, and the RealWave node’s dimensions. In combination with other modifiers, fast waves might lead to instabilities. In this case either create a wider mesh or reduce “Fractal speed”. Velocities are measured in metres per second [m/s].