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Comment: add info on animating maxwell sea


For information pertaining to the actual Maxwell Sea parameters, please see the main Maxwell Sea documentation.


Since there is no concept of time in Rhino, it is not possible to automatically make use of the Reference Time parameter in Maxwell Sea; rather it is necessary to animate the scene via script, taking the opportunity at the export of each frame, to set the Maxwell Sea Reference Time value as desired. Here is a macro that will render 100 frames, animating the sea at 25 frames per second:

Code Block
_-RunScript (
  For i = 1 to 100
    'Rhino.Command "_ViewFrameNumber " & i
    'Rhino.Command "_BongoSetCurrentTick " & i
    Rhino.Command "_Maxwell_SetMaxwellSeaReferenceTime " & i/25
    Rhino.Command "_Maxwell_RenderToMxs"

If you paste this into Rhino's Macro Editor and run it (or put it in the Command of a toolbar button), it will export a 4-second animation with the sea animated to match the frame rate. As shown in the commented-out (i.e. green) lines, it is also possible to combine this with animations created using Rhino's Animation Tools or Bongo; it is simply necessary in those cases to set the current frame (assuming that enough frames have been defined, using e.g. SetTurnTableAnimation) before exporting each MXS:

Maxwell Volumetric

The Maxwell Volumetric Extension replaces its assigned object with a volume containing a simulation of participating media; it is the host object's axis-aligned bounding box which will define the volume. If an object has both Maxwell Sea and Maxwell Volumetric extensions assigned, it is the Maxwell Sea extension that will be exported. For information on its actual parameters, please see the main Maxwell Volumetric documentation.
