Normally plugin exports only the textures which are in a location not directly readable for the Maxwell Render program (for example images in a compressed ARCHICAD library). With this option you can force the plugin to export all the used textures (it can be useful to have all the scene files in one place).
Reference MXS
This setting is only useful in the case of animation export. ARCHICAD animation features are limited, usually, the geometry doesn't change between the frames only the camera position or the sun settings. It means you can save a lot of memory and export time if you export geometry only for the first frame, and for the other frames you only reference this geometry (via Maxwell Reference MXS). We recommend to keep this flag ON!
Render Time in Anim. (minutes) and Sampling Level in Anim.
Here you can set the Time and SL limits for the animation frames, which can be different from the ones set in the PhotoRendering Settings panel.
Reference MXS
Export multi-references as instances
In case, if this flag is ON and you have many referenced MXS scenes with the same source file in your ARCHICAD project, the plugin exports only the first one as normal object and the others as instances. It can be very useful for example if you create a forest with similar mxs trees. The benefit is the much less memory consumption during render time. It is important to note here that if you have enough memory the render speed is usually better with normal objects.