Select Destination Locaton - browse for the destination location of the plugin. You can choose the default location, or you can select your own. Make sure you remember this folder because later you have to register the installed plugin files inside the ARCHICAD Add-On Manager.
Select Components - You need to select at least one version of Archicad (so the plugin is installed on it) and Maxwell Render (these are the main parts of the engine that are common for all the plugins and Studio); select the plugin version according to your ARCHICAD version. You can install more versions if you want. In case Maxwell Render was not installed previously, or the installed Maxwell Render version is not the same as you have in the plugin installer, you have to install the included Maxwell package too otherwise the plugin won't run.
Ready To Install - on this page you can re-check that everything was set properly for the installation. Click on the Install button to finalize the installation.
Now the installer copies the files and starts the Maxwell Render installer in case it was a selected install component.
There is a last step before you can use the plugin, please read the text below Last Step.....