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Falloffs have been replaced by Fields starting from Cinema 4D R20.
Current version of RealFlow | Cinema 4D does not preserve daemon Falloff parameters on scenes saved in Cinema 4D versions older than R20.


Please note that only some daemons provide a "Falloff panel" and this is the parameter set you see when "Falloff" is set to a specific shape from the dropdown menu:


The following parameters are native Cinema 4D features and have been adapted to RealFlow | Cinema 4D's daemons. You can find further information in the Cinema 4D manual/help.


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Choose a falloff shape to restrict the forces. We provide: infinite, box, capsule, cone, cylinder, linear, noise, none, source, sphere, and torus. With "Source" it is possible to use an object as a custom falloff volume.

A good idea is to connect daemons with active falloffs to the → "Visualizer" to see how the forces increase and decrease in space and time. This tool helps to precisely adjust a daemon's force field.


When active, particles outside the bounding volume will be affected by the daemon.
