Warning |
Falloffs have been replaced by Fields starting from Cinema 4D R20. |
Please note that only some daemons provide a "Falloff panel" and this is the parameter set you see when "Falloff" is set to a specific shape from the dropdown menu:
Note |
The following parameters are native Cinema 4D features and have been adapted to RealFlow | Cinema 4D's daemons. You can find further information in the Cinema 4D manual/help. |
Choose a falloff shape to restrict the forces.
By default the falloff goes from the gizmo's inner grid to the outer bounding volume, but it can be inverted with this option. We provide: infinite, box, capsule, cone, cylinder, linear, noise, none, source, sphere, and torus. With "Source" it is possible to use an object as a custom falloff volume.
A good idea is to connect daemons with active falloffs to the → "Visualizer" to see how the forces increase and decrease in space and time. This tool helps to precisely adjust a daemon's force field.
When active, particles outside the bounding volume will be affected by the daemon.
Toggle the viewport gizmo's visibility.