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Masking objects allow you to shape your fluid volume by cutting out particles. The entire process is similar to Boolean subtraction operations, but requires a certain workflow.


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The blue area should be filled with particles, the white areas will cut aways.


To achieve the look from the image below go through a few steps. In the first step, create four cubes, arrange them, and specify the one you want to fill with particles (named "Fill_Object" here).

  • Add a "Fill" emitter and drag the cube, meant to be filled, "Fill_Object" cube to the emitter's "Body" slot.
  • Set the emitter's "Particle Distribution" to "Fill ModeVolume" to .
  • "Fill non Solid VolumeRegion" must be active.


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  • Enable the emitter's Mask > From Collision Objects option.


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Time to adjust the "Fill_Object" cubemask objects:

  • Add "CollisionCollider" and "Volume" tags to the four cubesmask objects – the "Collider" tag tells RealFlow | Cinema 4D that there is an interacting object.
  • Select the "Fill_Object" cube's "Volume" tag, set tags. If the "Volume Mode" has not been recognited automatically set the option to "Solid OutsideInside".


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 When you reset the scene you

  • Reset the scene (go to the last frame, then back to 0). You will see that the volumes of the three remaining cubes


  • have been used as a mask to clip the particles. This way it is possible to create complex shapes without having to model an appropriate container.



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The result is a particle volume with notches.

The best and fastest way to proceed is to create an initial state from the fluid:

  • Go to Scene > Cache and specifiy a "Cache Folder (macOS | Windows)", where the intial state will stored.
  • Go to Fluid > Fluid and click on "Create Initial State", then tick "Use Initial State".
  • Under Mask > Mask disable "From Collision Objects".
  • Reset again.


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