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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Parameter name

What it controls


Common camera presets. A camera preset changes the Filmback parameter to correspond to the physical size of the digital sensor or film in that camera. This will ensure your render will have the correct image aspect ratio for easier compositing of a render in a photo taken with that particular camera.


The horizontal and vertical (width and height) resolution of the render in pixels. The lock Icon allows you to lock the aspect ratio so when you change one parameter the other updates.


The physical width and height of the digital sensor or film of the camera. Please see the Camera - Filmback section for more detailed information.

Pixel aspect

Width--height proportion of the pixels. Useful when the rendering output will be displayed on devices which have non-square pixels, such as television sets.


The measure of a photographic film’s sensitivity to light. The lower the ISO, the lower the film’s sensitivity, requiring a longer exposure to light or more light. A film with a high ISO only needs a short exposure to light. This parameter can also be set interactively while rendering. Raising the ISO will not add noise to the render – contrary to a real world high ISO film which adds noise/grain to a photograph.

Selection (Origin/End)

Specify whether you want to render the full frame at the desired resolution, render a particular region (defined by the Origin and End numeric fields), or blow up a region (defined by the Origin and End numeric fields) at the desired resolution. You can also draw the desired region using the marquee icon. For more detailed information about Render region and Blow-up region see the page: Render region - Blowup region


Parameter name

What it controls


Sets the lens offset in Y and X axis (in %)