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Clicking this button pops up the control's context menu:

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.In the case of numeric sliders (as shown), you will find a Decimals value which is used in the slider's text-entry area. The number of decimals chosen is per-slider and persists between sessionsIncrement and Precision settings (where applicable), which are used to control how numbers are edited, and incremented, when adjusting via the mouse-wheel, keyboard, or by dragging on the slider surface. text-entry area. You will also find a Reset button in the context menu for some controls; clicking this simply brings the value back to its default. Lastly, you will find an Info button, the function of which is not yet implementedIn some cases, there is no context menu, and the button simply functions as a Reset button.

Numeric Sliders

Numeric values may be adjusted either by click-dragging on the slider surface, rolling the mouse-wheel, using the Up/Down/PageUp/PageDown/Home/End (small/large change, min/max) keys, or by direct keyboard entry into the slider's text field. As a shortcut, hitting the space bar with the text field focused will reset the number to its default value. The rate of increase or decrease while adjusting by keyboard or mouse-wheel may be scaled by holding down the CTRL (0.1x) or SHIFT (10x) buttons while adjusting (note that this feature does not work perfectly on Safari).

Color Picker

The plugin also implements a custom RGB color -picker:

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Operation is fairly self-explanatory. In addition to manually choosing a color, drop-downs are provided for named and numbered color presets. A third drop-down is provided, which holds a list of user-defined named custom colors. A new custom color may be added at any time; the list persists across SketchUp sessionspicker, which supports both RGB and HSV input modes. In the context menu for a color picker, you will find a toggle which allows choosing the desired mode.

Texture Editor

For working with textures, the plugin provides a custom texture editor:

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The sliders on the right control saturation, brightness, contrast, minimum RGB, and maximum RGB. The Invert button inverts the RGB values of the texture's pixels. The Interpolation button turns on and off Maxwell's texture filtering for the texture. These adjustments work in real-time, also affecting the appearance of the texture's thumbnail.

To activate texture tile and offset controls, click on the image with your mouse. To adjust tile size, drag the grip at the lower-right corner; to adjust offset, drag the grip in the center. To quickly reset tile or offset, use the buttons at the lower left. Exact tile and offset values may be typed in using the numeric inputs at the lower left. At the top right are toggle buttons which enable and disable repeat in the U and V directions. At the top left are buttons which may be used to copy the associated SketchUp material's texture here, or to copy this texture into the SketchUp material's texture; these are only shown when the texture's Source is set to Use Specific Texture.


All of the colors used in the interface are customizable. In the Scene Manager's Options tab, in the User Interface sub-panel, you will find a button labeled Color Scheme; clicking this button will cause the Color Scheme Editor to be shown:

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As you see here, the Header text is being set to [132, 25, 25]. At the top of the editor is a list of custom presets; by default three schemes are already defined:

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Additionally, color schemes may be saved to and/or read from disk, allowing them to be shared, if desired, which is broken into two sections: Projection and Image. The Projection section controls how the texture is mapped in UV space. The Image section contains controls for altering the saturation, contrast, brightness, etc, of the image.


In the Options tab, you will find options for controlling the color scheme of the plugin's user interface. Currently, two schemes are provided:

Image AddedImage Added

Depending on your operating system, you may also prefer to enable or disable the rounding of corners on various user-interface elements.