RF-2583 Bug - Wind daemon does not work with secondary emitters of Liquid-Hybrido type.
Known bugs
3D platform plug-ins
RF-2431 Bug - Preview with Maxwell by command line is not rendering the obj files.
RF-1886 Bug - ParticleLoad graph node does not load properly Alembic files that come from a standard emitter simulation.
RF-1031 Bug - Alembic files are not imported in Maya
Alembic I/O
RF-1540 Bug - Once an alembic file has been loaded, its "file handle" is not freed.
RF-1424 Bug - Moving a cloned multibody coming from an alembic file does not work properly
Alternative paths
RF-2481 Bug - Creating a new scene does not clear the current state of alternative paths.
Animation curves
RF-2234 Bug - There is a gap between animated geometry and distance field if the geometry is animated in RealFlow.
RF-455 Bug - Realflow doesn't work with negatives frames properly.
Arnold Integration
RF-2452 Bug - Sometimes the "maxwell" and "arnold" file names on Export Central are missing.
RF-2375 Bug - particle meshes don't have correct uv's
Batch script
RF-1688 Bug - Clicking on the right column of the script editor autocompletion popup does not open the help for that function.
Binary loader emitter
RF-866 Bug - Retimer should work with unsimulated binary loaders.
Built-in objects
RF-1905 Bug - Capsule object is not symmetrical
RF-1574 Bug - The maxwell related SDK functions that are now available in Python are not available in C++.
RF-1141 Bug - Removing a standard emitter node during simulation (via scripting or graph) crashes RealFlow.
RF-1758 Bug - Modifying a camera view with the viewport should be undoable.
RF-1757 Bug - Modifying a camera view directly on the viewport does not set the scene as modified.
RF-1159 Bug - Changing the normals to reversed for dynamics objects is working bad when selecting active or passive
RF-853 Bug - Imported animated objects to use them as softbodies, can't be set with an initial speed.
Caronte integration
RF-1112 Bug - Fracture tool voronoi uniform is using "extrussion effect" unexpectedly.
RF-359 Bug - Caronte simulations aren´t deterministic unless RF gets reopen every time
Circle emitter
RF-913 Bug - V and H random is not working if an emitter is set as volume
Command Line Version
RF-1428 Bug - Fill Object not working on command line
RF-1332 Bug - RealFlow is crashing when creating a folder and it can't be created.
RF-2435 Bug - Command line options should be exported in the xml
RF-445 Bug - RF crashes at shutdown when the file for a command plugin is removed from the plugins folder and that command plugin was previously loaded into RF using the commands organizer, only happen when a scene is loaded before closing.
Curve Editor
RF-847 Bug - Expressions with references are not updated when the related parameter changes and is not animated.
Drag force daemon
RF-1984 Bug - Force Limit parameter for Drag Daemon is not working
DSpline daemon
RF-1422 Bug - XML export and import of animated DSpline and Spline Emitter control points is not possible.
Export Central
RF-2452 Bug - Sometimes the "maxwell" and "arnold" file names on Export Central are missing.
RF-1525 Bug - Disabling RFS from Export Central sends the FLW to the Job Manager instead of a script. There should be no checkbox.
Fibers emitter
RF-919 Bug - Fibers emitter should have a seed # to be deterministic.
File export
RF-2231 Bug - Animation.sd and bdc for imported geometry as Multibody or ABC multibody are not saved by command line.
RF-1070 Bug - RealFlow crashes in command line when there is no HDD space
Fill object emitter
RF-1428 Bug - Fill Object not working on command line
RF-1189 Bug - Fracture by points is not working properly.
RF-1046 Bug - External transition decay should be Internal transition decay for the Internal group inside fracture by radial parameters.
RF-2013 Bug - File Name Prefix, from File Name Options is missing from graphs.
RF-458 Bug - Object name must be removed from Multjoints if the object is changed to dynamics NO.
RF-2512 Bug - The attached VDB file can't be meshed with the graph node "FieldRealMesher" anymore.
RF-1245 Bug - Graph Notes alpha is reset to strange values when changing background colors
Grid Foam
RF-1740 Bug - Foam particles are behaving wrongly in some circumstances, it seems to be when the core fluid simulation is very thin.