Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Version 3.2.12 - April 5, 2016

  • Increased the range of the Parallax Distance camera parameter.
  • Set the default value for the stereo separation camera parameter to 6.5.
  • When creating a stereo camera rig, the center camera also shows the Maxwell Render rollup in the attribute editor.
  • Updated the plug-in API to allow other plug-ins to export Maxwell hair.
  • Fixed: wrong output image name when using the <Scene> macro and running an interactive batch render.
  • Fixed: the RF BIN mesh loader object did not update in the viewport when changing the current time.
  • Fixed: the output image format was reset to PNG when saving a scene that was using EXR.
  • Fixed: slow voxelization in FIRE.
  • Fixed: adding a new customa alpha channel and selecting "no" when prompted to add the selection to it assigned all the objects in the scene to that channel.
  • Fixed: environment preview did not work in Viewport 2.0.
  • Fixed: objects with semitransparent Maxwell materials did not appear correctly or at all in Viewport 2.0.
  • Fixed: area lights did not appear in the "Block Emitter" dialog.

Version 3.1.12 - June 10, 2015

  • fixed: FIRE was still running in the background after closing its window
  • fixed: the render resolution for FIRE was capped at 720 pixels horizontally the first time it was started during a Maya session due to misbehaving licensing code

Version 3.1.11 - June 8, 2015

  • added support for Maya 2016
  • fixed: MEL error about setParent when loading the plug-in
  • added the *.prt extension mask to the Maxwell Particles file dialogs
  • converted materials use the name of the original material, but with an added "Conv" suffix
  • fixed: layered materials converted automatically from legacy materials did not show up in Hypershade
  • fixed: the plug-in was not able to obtain a license on Linux if Shave&Haircut; was also installed (or any other plug-in which uses RLM)
  • added the *.exr file mask in the browser dialog for RFRK mesher displacement files
  • the volumetric object no longer adds a frame number in the exported particle file path if one isn't present in the file selected by the user. Also improved the detection of the frame padding in case a frame number has to be inserted.
  • fixed: "no layer selected" error when clicking the Blocked Emitters button in the AE for a mesh
  • fixed: wrong viewport preview for the sea object when Maya was in z-up mode
  • fixed: wrong positions for exported particles when Maya was set in z-up mode
  • fixed: native lights were not included in the list of blockable emitters
  • fixed: no VDB file mask in the volumetric object file open dialog
  • fixed the translation from legacy materials to layered was broken
  • added support for mapping magnitudes to UV channels in the RFRK mesher
  • fixed: instances produced by the MASH plug-in (and other 3rd party instancers) were not rendered
  • added support for UDIM textures
  • added settings for extra sampling in the render options dialog
  • fixed: volumetric objects did not work
  • fixed: crash when changing the state of the color management setting (Maya 2015 Extension 1)
  • added support for a new hair primitive: curves
  • added support for per-material alpha channels
  • added back support for custom light geometry (MXS references)
  • fixed: volumetric objects could not be exported on Windows 8
  • fixed: wrong rotation for spot lights in FIRE
  • fixed: floating shadows and reflections were not visible when rendering in Draft mode
  • fixed: when launching Maxwell on Linux, an intermediary process was created, instead of parenting Maxwell directly under the main Maya process
  • updated attributes for the RFRK objects
  • added the OpenVDB attributes to the volumetric object

Version 3.0.15 - October 14, 2014
