Parameter | Function | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name | The name entered here will be used to name the various output files generated by Maxwell: the output MXS, MXI, and image files. If no Name is specified, then the name of the current SketchUp document will be used. If the SketchUp document has not yet been saved, the output will be named Untitled. Additionally, several macros may be used to dynamically build the output name:
So for example, setting the output name to %skp-%scene might result in an output name of Untitled-Top.mxs.The format of the output image is determined by the value selected in the drop-down on the right. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Folder | The output will be written into the folder specified here. If no Folder is specified, output will be written at the same location as the current SketchUp document. If the SketchUp document has not yet been saved, output will be saved in the [user's documents]/Maxwell/output folder, located in the current user's Documents directory.
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mode | The Mode parameter controls the plugin's behavior in exporting MXS files when the target file already exists. By default, the plugin will prompt you to indicate whether or not you wish to overwrite the existing file. Optionally, by setting the Mode parameter appropriately, you can choose to always overwrite, and thereby avoid the overwrite prompt, or to have the plugin scan the target folder and generate a new, unique output name. When this last option is chosen, an incrementing four-digit number will be appended to the specified Name, i.e. Untitled.mxs will become Untitled_0001.mxs, Untitled_0002.mxs, and so on. |
This sub-panel is used to enable, disable, and configure the various Simulens tutorial effects which are available in Maxwell Render.