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You can apply a material to the mesher object like on any other Max mesh

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The functioning and parameters of the mesher are described in detail in this section of the main Maxwell manual


Realflow particle sequences can be rendered in Maxwell as procedural spheres using the Realflow RenderKit Particles node. To create this node use the MxParticler button in the Create->Geometry rollout. After creating a particler node, you need to select a particle file and, similarly to the mesher node, you can pick any file in the sequence and have the plug-in resolve the correct file name on export. The particles are displayed as points in the viewport and there's a level of detail control in the main attributes group.

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Realflow computes various particle attributes like velocity, force, mass, temperature and so on. These attributes, called magnitudes, can be mapped as UV channels on the particles. To add a mapping, click the Add button in the UV Channel Mapping group and select which magnitude to map on which channel.


BIN mesh files generated by Realflow can be referenced inside the scene by using the BIN mesh loader. This way you can skip loading the mesh data inside Max itself (which can use a lot of memory and slow down the viewport) and you can render such meshes in Maxwell without requiring the Realflow plug-in to be installed. Maxwell will load the mesh itself at render time from the referenced BIN file. To create a BIN mesh reference, click the BIN Mesh button in the Maxwell category in the Create->Geometry rollout.

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The BIN loader node has the following attributes:
