Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


  • -render: export the current frame and render. A few additional flags can be used to control the process:
    • -width, -height: override the resolution set in the render options
    • -camera: use the specified camera instead of the active one.
  • -sendJobToNetwork: exports the scene and passes it to the Maxwell network job wizard. Supports the same additional flags as -render.
  • -importMaterial: import the MXM file given as the second argument into the Maxwell Layered Material node given as the first argument.
  • -exportMaterial: export the Maxwell Layered Material node given as the first argument to the MXM file given as the second argument. The command brings up a dialog which prompts the user to also copy the material dependencies to the destination path.
  • -batchRender: start a batch render. The name of the renderable camera must be passed as the first argument. This does not create a second process used for rendering, as the Batch Render menu command does, but performs all the operations in the current process.
  • -getMxHomeDir: returns the path to the Maxwell installation directory.
  • -cancelBatchRender: stops a running render started with the Batch Render menu command.
  • -dryRun: performs all the operations of a normal export, but does not create output files and does not start Maxwell. Prints diagnostic messages in the script editor window.
  • -loadSkyPreset: loads the sky preset file given as the first argument.
  • -saveSkyPreset: imports the values from the preset file given as the first argument into the environment options.
  • -saveSkyHDR: produces a panoramic image of the sky defined by the environment options. Takes 3 arguments: output image path, width and height.
  • -locateFile: searches for the file given as the first argument into the alternative resource locations.
  • -exportMXS: exports the selected objects as a MXS file. Takes 6 arguments: output file path, export animation boolean, start and end frame, export camera boolean, camera name. The command does not export environment settings and render options (it's the flag used internally by the Export Geometry To MXS shelf button).
  • -getSDKVersion: returns the version of the Maxwell SDK which was used to build the plug-in.
  • -readML: import the Multilight settings from the MXI file given as the argument into the scene.
  • -listExtensions: prints the available Maxwell extensions such as hair, particles etc. Takes a boolean argument which determines if the extension parameters should also be listed.
  • -restartFire: restarts all the running FIRE instances.
  • -freezeFireState: freeze the scene state for all FIRE instances.
  • -setAPIDebug: takes a boolean argument which turns on or off debug messages from the plug-in API layer. Equivalent to the API call MaxwellMayaAPI::EnableDebugMessages.
  • -getCurrentAPIVer: returns the plug-in API version number. Equivalent to the API call MaxwellMayaAPI::GetCurrentAPIVersion.
  • -getLowestAPIVer: returns the lowest supported API version. Equivalent to the API call MaxwellMayaAPI::GetLowestSupportedAPIVersion.

There are a few other flags as well which can be listed by typing help maxwell in the script command line, but they are used internally by the plug-in.


The options string specifies the flags that are described above in the Export section.

Option Variables

The plug-in uses the following option variables:
