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This parameter set is used to specify a Hybrido domain's properties.

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Cell size

The Hybrido domain can be seen as bounded space that is subdivided into cells. Since RealFlow's HyFLIP solver uses an adaptive grid, the given “Cell size” value represents the length of the smallest voxel and is also shown in the form of small boxes at the domain's viewport icon. The size of the other grid elements is determined by RealFlow automatically.


When you work with “Cell size” and objects you also have to take the object's “Volume” panel into consideration. There you will find another “Cell size” value, but this time for the rasterization of the colliding/interacting object.


Creation mode

You can choose from three different modes. “Adaptive” provides a very good compromise between speed and memory usage and is suitable for most situations. To make use of the “Dense” and “Sparse” options you have to know a few things about them:
