- “From Node”. Maxwell will take the colour from the “Node” panel's → “Color” parameter.
- “From File” lets you load an external MXM material file.
- Choose one of the predefined and ready-to-use materials.
Material File
This field is only available when “Material” is set to “From File”. With a click into the empty field you can load any valid MXM file.
Material shininess
This parameter is only available with “Material” set to “From Node”. Increasing this parameter creates stronger specular reflections and highlights. with very high settings you will get a mirror-like look and the original colour vanishes. Accepted values range from 0 to 100.
Material roughness
This parameter is only available with “Material” set to “From Node”. Higher settings will blur the specular highlights. Please avoid exaggerated settings. Accepted values range from 0 to 100.
Particle attributes like velocity can be rendered with the mesh (the → "vorticity" channel with → Hybrido and → Dyverso domains the vorticity channel has to be enabled before the simulation starts):
When active the node's normals will be recalculated by Maxwell Render. With "@ Threshold angle", the mesh can be smoothed in the render.
Threshold angle
With higher settings, the node appears smoother, with smaller setting a faceting effect appears. The final quality depends on the node's number of polygons.