Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Version 3.2.3 - August 01, 2016

  • Changed: the ":" character was replaced with ")" character in the camera names (for cameras exported from Camera paths).

  • Improved: in the Path Fix dialog the Apply button is enabled only in case there are available user changes...

  • Changed: The old method for adding MXS Referenced item to the ArchiCad project is obsolete now, its button from the Maxwell panel has been removed. Please use the new method (via library object Embedded Library > Maxwell Library)
  • Improved: The display percentage value of Maxwell Lib objects is now limited to range 0-1 (to prevent setting it to outside of range values)
  • Changed: Simulens Frequency control is now placed under the Simulens Diffraction control.
  • Built with Maxwell SDK version
  • Added: Support for ArchiCad 20
  • Added: (Minimum requirement: AC version 18) New Automated option to display mxm texture files under ArchiCad.
    (Inside the ArchiCad "Surface Settings" dialog under "Maxwell Material Settings" tab click on ">>> Texture To AC"
  • Improved: faster export of Curtain Walls (Rebuild of lib can be needed)
  • Improved: Maxwell Extension object libary - Better stability and new Faces display mode
  • Improved: Referenced mxs library - New faces display mode


  • FIXED: Maxwell Extension Library objects - Pop-Up list type parameters doesn't show the list choices
  • FIXED: (WIN) ArchiCad can not quit until the opened Maxwell Studio or Maxwell Render is not closed.
  • FIXED: (OSX) Sometimes ArchiCad can not quit correctly after the Surface Settings dialog (with Maxwell material parameters) was opened.
  • FIXED: (OSX) After re-opening the Surface Settings dialog, the Maxwell Material preview doesn't refresh.
  • FIXED: Changing Maxwell parameter of objects is not always undo-able
  • FIXED: Extension fileType opener handles extension types better (for example AssetReference)

Version 3.2.0 - October 05, 2015


  • Added: Reflectance channel option
  • Changed: default channel format has been changed to exr32
  • Added: opens Maxwell Fundamentals Video page before exporting to Studio or Maxwell Render
  • Added: can save render output image in PSD format (8,16 and 32 bit)
  • Improved: "Maxwell Render Settings > Channels Layers > Render parameter" has new options: "All, Diffuse, Reflection, Refraction, Diffuse + Reflection, Diffuse + Refraction"
  • Added: New material parameter "Nested Priority"

Version 3.1.3 - July 08, 2015


  • Added: ArchiCad 19 support

  • Added: new Lamp export parameter "Unique Material". This flag can be extremely useful if you want to use MultiLight. In case this flag is off, lights with similar light types will use the same material.

Version 3.1.0 - Jan 28, 2015


  • Added: Render Output parameters: "Temperature" and "Tint"
  • Improved: new preferences option to check file references at file open (or don't - it can make file open faster).
  • Changed: built with Maxwell SDK 3.1 (needs Maxwell 3.1)
  • Changed: mini lib parameter min/max limits removed (it was not always correct)
  • Changed: spot light are exported with the new Maxwell spot light mode.
  • Added: new Mini Lib Editor display parameter "Param name". It it is on Mini Lib editor will show the param names instead of the user names of the params.
  • Added: FIRE preferences parameters "Floating Features"
  • Changed: render setting parameter "Time" default value has been changed to 5 mins.
  • Changed: render setting parameter "Sampling Level" default value has been changed to 12.
  • Improved: added new camera parameter "Response"
  • Improved: easier to adjust camera exposure with the available presets or choose "Locked" mode to change ISO, shutter and fStop without changing the overall exposure.
  • Improved: (Installer) in most cases the installer program finds the valid ArchiCad Add-on folder automatically.
  • Improved: Mini Lib Editor - length, angle and real value display follows the ArchiCad system unit display.
  • Improved: Camera "Focus dis." and Z-Clip range parameters + Channel parameter "Min. Dist" have been changed to length type, so ArchiCad displays these parameters according to the AC system unit mode.
  • Added: new License Status button on the plugin panel (at the bottom left corner). Clicking on this button you can change the status of your license - (activate or release).
  • Changed: Plugin doesn't check plugin license status at ArchiCad start, but only if it needs it (for example exporting mxs or starting FIRE). So until Maxwell is not used it doesn't occupy the floating license.
  • Added: Info box for Render Settings panel
  • Added: new Maxwell camera parameter "Axo dist.". (In case there are strange surface holes in AXO view, changing this parameter can help.)
  • Improved: Main plugin panel was rewritten. Now it is possible to open/close sub-tabs (Object settings, Mini Lib Editor, Referenced MXS list)
    • + lists (library parameters, Referenced MXS parts) are resizable.
    • + after undo-redo plugin panels display is updated.
    • + object properties have sliders
    • + object properties have been reorganized
    • + added material panel - to show the materials of the selected objects
  • Improved: (AC18) Render Settings are stored by saved views (it is possible to set different Maxwell render settings for the different AC views)
  • Added: (AC18) Support for saved photoRendering settings
  • Added: (AC18) Clicking on the render preview opens up the FIRE window
  • Support for ArchiCad18
  • Changed: Plugin preferences dialog tab "Export" has been renamed to General
  • Added: Plugin version checking at ArchiCad program start. The plugin informs the user about new version.
  • Added: New plugin Preferences dialog > General parameter "Check for Plugin updates at program start"
  • Improved: mxs overwrite warning dialog shows the mxs file name
  • Added: New Maxwell Render setting parameter "Auto" (before the Scene Name parameter). In Auto mode the plugin automatically generates the scene name from the ArchiCad file name.


  • FIXED: ortho view - strange roll angle in Studio
  • FIXED: (Beta1 bug - only AC18): Adding window or door object to wall freezes AC in case FIRE window is open.

Version 3.0.2 - May 27, 2014


  • Improved: In case at least one object is selected the newly opened Maxwell Panel shows the object settings (no need to reselect the object)
  • Improved: It is possible to change now line type parameters in the Mini Library Editor.
  • Improved: The parameter values inside Mini Library Editor are updated after editing the object outside of the Mini Library Editor.


  • FIXED: Object selection can cause ArchiCad crash in case the Maxwell Panel is not open.
  • FIXED: Mini Lib Editor opens edit pop-up for different parameter than what was selected by the user.

Version 3.0.1 - May 9, 2014


  • Changed: Plugin doesn't check mxs file export path existence in case of animation export, because it opens the question dialog for every frame. (So user have to be careful to avoid overwriting important files).
  • Added: "Mini Library Editor" to the Maxwell Panel Object tab.
    It gives more interactivity to library object parameter change and better controls for Maxwell Objects.
  • Added: New Path Fix editor to handle missing plugin referenced files (mxm, textures, etc..)
    This new function can be very useful to quickly change path of referenced MXS object, Maxwell Extensions, etc...
    (This new function replaces the previous file checking mechanism at scene load.)
  • Added: New button on Maxwell Panel to open the "Path Fix" Dialog.
  • Changed: Texture Folder path controls are directly editable (Plugin Preferences)
  • Changed: Image and MXI path controls are directly editable (Maxwell Render Output)
  • Changed: Aperture and Obsctacle Map controls are directly editable (Maxwell Simulens)
  • Changed: Override and Default material controls are directly editable (Maxwell Render Options)
  • Changed: IBL Image path control is directly editable (Maxwell Environment)
  • Changed: MXM path control is directly editable (Maxwell Material)
  • Changed: Geometry copy/paste can be faster, because plugin doesn't do extra checking during this operation. (the negative side of this change is that the plugin doesn't recognise missing path during the merge process.)
  • Added: Recalculate normals controls - it can improve the render quality of objects with wrong normal values.
  • Improved: added hotspots (snap-able points) to the bounding box corners of Maxwell Library objects
  • Improved: Plugin sends Error message in case mxs write was not successful.
  • Improved: Transform values of Library objects are more correct when the mxs file is opened in Studio
  • Added: Plugin exports the path cameras (not just the view camera) - Camera settings are read from the Render Camera settings, but Manual focus is only for the view camera.
  • Added: New render export parameter "Default Material"
  • Improved: Object and Lamp items are exported with Transform values. It can be useful in case orientation is important (for example ies materials on object, etc.)
  • Changed: Render parameter "Geometry Scale" changes the object transform scale and not the scale of the vertices.
  • Improved: (OSX) FIRE window display status has been changed, it remains active and visible while mxed is open. So it is possible to edit the material in mxed and follow the changes interactively in the ArchiCAD FIRE window.
  • Improved: plugin doesn't open Maxwell Material Editor from AC in case mxm file is read-only. Now it gives a warning message about the read-only status.
  • Improved: (OSX) FIRE window can be stopped/started/moved while other modal dialog is open.
  • Improved: LIVE connection with MXED editor (while FIRE is on you can change mxm material settings in MXED and after save you see the change immediately)
  • Improved: Grass display in FIRE mode (but no interactive modification yet) (Not available under AC15 Windows version)
  • Added: New Maxwell Extension library objects, with various display parameters + visual rotation tool to allow rotation in 3D  (Not available under AC15 Windows version)
  • Added: New Maxwell MXS Referenced library object with better display options + visual rotation tool to allow rotation in 3D
    (We plan to discontinue the support of the previous version of the MXS Referenced library objects - please tell your opinion!)
  • Added: New Maxwell Boolean library object + visual rotation tool to allow rotation in 3D. To support new Maxwell V3 boolean functionalities inside ArchiCAD.


  • FIXED: Possible UI problems because of mixed dialog identifiers.
  • FIXED: (OSX) Material Editor strange ui behavior when Maxwell Preview is stopped.
  • FIXED: (OSX) Clicking on the close button of the FIRE window doesn't change the status of the FIRE button on the Maxwell panel.
  • FIXED: Material preview can slow down and material display can be wrong after switching to material with displacement
  • FIXED: Possible memory leakings (material, item position)
  • FIXED: Morph and wall objects (with emitter material) can cause voxelization problem (non-emitter message from Maxwell core).
  • FIXED: Objects with only emitter multi-materials are not separated automatically.
  • FIXED: Maxwell Referenced MXS elements sometimes exported on wrong story level.
  • FIXED: Axo view camera is in wrong position in case geom scale is not 1.0
  • FIXED: Axo view camera export is wrong - objects are in wrong view position.
  • FIXED: (OSX) Referenced mxs elements are exported sometimes with wrong orientation.
  • FIXED: (OSX) ArchiCAD can not quit.


  • Dropped support for 32-bit versions.
  • Dropped support for ArchiCAD 14


  • Changed: Handles the new Maxwell license system (if it can't find valid license at modo start, it runs the license activator automatically).
  • Added: Warning dialog if output mxs file already exists.
  • Added: File format selectors for the Maxwell Channels.
  • Added: Maxwell channels: "Motion Vector", "UV" and "Deep"
  • Improved: New and better quality icons
  • Added: New FIRE button to save image
  • Added: New camera lens types
  • Improved: Automatic conversion for axonometry view (perfect conversion is not possible in case axo axises are not perpendicular or not equally scaled)
  • Added: Overlay Text options (Maxwell Render Settings)
  • Added: Object opacity parameter (Maxwell object panel)
  • Improved: Texture export automatically follows ArchiCAD mirrored tiles setting.
  • Added: Save scene as mxs file from the File save dialog (OS X doesn't work yet!!)
  • Added: New plugin report log window - to show FIRE export or engine logs.
  • Added: FIRE camera navigation
  • Improved (Windows only): FIRE window opens at screen center if its last save position is outside of the visible region (important feature on multi-display systems)
  • Added: New Maxwell sun controls: sun type, sun radius multiplier and sun color.


  • FIXED: (OSX): FIRE view buttons have extra-large text in case display fonts are scaled.
  • FIXED: In case the plugin panel was opened from the ArchiCAD palettes menu, it doesn't work normally.

Version 2.7.5


  • Compatibility with ArchiCAD 17
  • Added: New switch control "Export multi-references as Instance". If it is ON and you have more objects from the same reference MXS placed in the scene, second, third, etc. reference objects will be exported as Instances (consumes less memory).
  • Added: New switch control "Skip Zone elements" inside the "PhotoRendering Settings" dialog "Scene Conversion" settings.
  • Added: New Emitter Types ("Lumen", "Lux", "Candela", "Luminance")


  • FIXED: Mirrored MXS reference objects are exported in wrong orientation.

Version 2.7.4


  • Changed: In case Maxwell sun is turned off (Environment panel) sun Power and Temperature controls are still visible and editable.
  • Added: Load/Save buttons to read write Sky presets. (Plugin currently doesn't load sun location/time values from the sky preset file.)
  • Added: Preset loader dialog can show the thumbnails of the sky presets.
  • Changed: Mesh "Smooth Angle" and material "Clamp Reflectance" parameters have been moved to the "PhotoRendering Settings" dialog Maxwell "General Settings" panel. These settings have visible result on the exported scenes, so it is more logical to store these there.
  • Added: New "Radiance multiplier" setting in the "PhotoRendering Settings" dialog Maxwell "General Settings" panel. It is a global emission multiplier for auto-converted ArchiCAD materials.
  • Added: New material parameter "Hide Geometry" (only for emitter type materials). To make it easy to create invisible emitter. (You have to restart FIRE to see the result.)
  • Added: New material parameter "Embed in the scene" - normally plugin saves the referenced mxm file into the scene file, but it is possible now to keep it referenced only.
  • Changed: Automatic material conversion - the method how the plugin handles the emitter component has been updated, no it follows better the emission power what you see on the internal AC render.
  • Added: Plugin exports the light components of Lamp type objects.
  • Added: New light parameter "Export Light" setting in the "PhotoRendering Settings" dialog Maxwell "General Settings" panel. You can globally turn on/off light export.
  • Improved: FIRE performance and stability
  • Added: New camera parameters "autofocus" and "focusDist" in the "PhotoRendering Settings" dialog "Camera" panel.
  • Added: Automatic path checking and easy (semi-automatic) path replacement in case plugin can't find mxm material, mxs reference, and other plugin related files.
  • Improved: Legacy options - it is more automatic now (no need to set Maxwell Render as default render engine), and imports back all the mxm paths from the old plugin data (not just the materials which are visible in the 3D window).
  • Added: New input file name field in the Maxwell "Material Browser" dialog
  • Added: You can set Maxwell item parameters for ArchiCAD objects (Maxwell hidden flags + Light options) (Known issue: undo doesn't work for the object parameter changes in case user is inside the 3D window.)


  • FIXED: Plugin doesn't export some texture images in case texture export directory still doesn't exist.
  • FIXED: Sometimes FIRE doesn't refresh or doesn't add new geometry.
  • FIXED: (Windows only) possible crash at FIRE restart.
  • FIXED: Switching from emitter material to non-emitter material causes wrong pixels in the Maxwell material preview window.
  • FIXED: Possible freeze/crash in FIRE mode.
  • FIXED: (OSX only) possible texture export problem in case of non-common characters.
  • FIXED: Animation export problem: Maxwell can't save mxi and image output files after frame 0009. (Only if the last character of the exported file name is a number.)

Version 2.7.3


  • New export mode "3D Window" (this is now the default). The original export mode (export mode used in 2.7.2) is called "Independent". You can change between the two modes in the plugin Preferences dialog.
  • In "3D Window" mode plugin exports the geometries exactly as those are in the ArchiCAD 3D window.
      Advantages of "3D Window" mode:
       - export can be faster (it depends on the scene - for example export of scenes with many solid operations are much faster)
        - ArchiCAD 3D Cutting Planes and Marque mode works as expected
        - UV of exported geometry is always good - Sometimes "Independent" mode exports GDL geometries with wrong UV coordinates
      Disadvantage of "3D window" mode:
        - export can be slower (it depends on the scene)
        - to export geometries plugin has to open the ArchiCAD 3D window
        - FIRE refreshes geometries only if AC 3D window is active
  • Camera roll angle problem fixed (in case ArchiCAD 3D window active)
  • UI improvement: path, offset, scale, etc. ui controllers are disabled in Image Based environment mode in case type is not "HDR Image"
  • In case there are many Referenced MXS objects in the scene with the same reference file, plugin exports the second, third, etc. reference objects as instances of the first one. (As a result Maxwell Render needs much less memory to render the scene.)
  • "Add MXS Item" uses geometry snap in the 3D window (in ArchiCAD 16)
  • Reference MXS object (created by animation export) references only to the name of the first frame not the whole path - So it doesn't confuses animation render in case the frames are copied to a different directory.
  • "Use first frame as Proxy" preference parameter has been renamed to "Use first frame as Reference MXS"
  • New preference parameter "Copy textures to export directory". If it is ON plugin collects all the exported textures to the export folder.
  • Name of the exported objects contain the ArchiCAD item guid value, which guarantees unique name. As a result export of scenes with huge number of elements can be much-much faster.


  • FIXED: Plugin exports every Curtain Wall object twice - it can cause wrong render effects.
  • FIXED: After transformation of a Referenced MXS object the object disappears from the FIRE screen.
  • FIXED: Exporter exports wrong materials (materials with strange name, not used by objects).
  • FIXED: Exported Reference MXS object doesn't follow the storey level setting.
  • FIXED: In Sun Study animation exports mode exported sun coordinates are wrong.
  • FIXED: Stop button doesn't work on the export process dialog.
  • FIXED: FIRE updates in paused state.
  • FIXED: up/down ui slider doesn't work for single click events.
  • FIXED: Sun date minute parameter exported always as 0 regardless of the real minute value.

Version 2.7.2 - Technology Preview


  • Updated help
  • Compiled with the latest Maxwell SDK
  • Export follows ArchiCAD sun position not only by location but also by the sun azimuth/altitude values (just like the AC 3D window).
  • Material and FIRE preview follows the changes on texture alpha flags (bump and transparency).
  • ArchiCAD 16 compatibility
  • Proxy Manager has been renamed to Referenced MXS Manager + some of the button names have been changed...
  • Real type edit fields are displayed with higher precision in the render settings window
  • Improved: FIRE updates after new Proxy Object has been added to the scene.
  • Improved: MXS Proxy objects are exported with correct rotation, scale values (with respect to geometry scale setting).
  • ADDED: import mxm paths stored by the old plugin (version 2.6.1 or earlier) to the scene (Search for the small ">>" button at the bottom-right corner of the Maxwell palette.)
  • Plugin doesn't write license warning for Maxwell Learning Edition users
  • ADDED: New mxm material param "Texture size by AC" - Yes|No|Proportional. If it is in "Yes" or "Proportional" mode plugin overwrites the texture parameters of the imported mxm file to match the texture coordinates of the AC material.


  • FIXED (not completely): Exported camera roll value doesn't match ArchiCAD 3D view roll value
  • FIXED: Sun position is not in synchron with ArchiCAD sun.
  • FIXED: Grass or Emitter doesn't work porperly with multi-material objects.
  • FIXED (OSX): Material editor not always shows material preview in Maxwell Render Engine mode.
  • FIXED: Material loses its Maxwell parameters after rename
  • FIXED (OSX): Memory Leakage
  • FIXED (OSX): crashes in FIRE or Material Preview mode.
  • FIXED (Hopefully): Lot of work on the OpenGL code part has been done to improve stability under OSX
  • FIXED: Camera is exported with wrong Focus Distance value in case export was started from PhotoRender,Fly-Through or Sun Study commands.
