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With this daemon it is possible to create, customize, and fine-tune crown splashes. This kind of splash can normally be observed when a drop of water is falling onto a water surface. First you will see a ring rising. Due to the fluid's surface tension, the borders are contracting and forming small drops. These effects create the typical crown-shaped look.

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A few tips and notes

  • Create a sufficient amount of initial particles. The more particles, the better the splash.
  • If the splash looks torn increase “Crown width”. This helps to attract more particles and make the splash “thicker”.
  • The "Crown" daemon has an internal hole-filling ("Sheeter") function that prevents the fluid from being torn.
RealFlow Scene

In RealFlow | Maya it is possible to use multiple "Scene" trees in the same project. To link a daemon to a scene tree right-click on the field, choose "Set Scene", and select an item from the appearing list.

Linked Domains

All fluid, rigid, and elastic containers inside the field will be affected by the daemon. If there is only one container in the scene it will be linked automatically. Otherwise the connection has to be established manually.


This parameter defines the force that will be acting on the particles:

  • Higher forces lead to stronger acceleration and a quickly growing crown.
  • The final height of the crown also depends on “Acting time” and other daemons.
  • If you have multiple “Crown” daemons the forces will be summed up in overlapping areas.
  • With downscaled emitters it is very likely that you have to increase “Strength”.
Creation Frame

Here you can specify the point in time when the daemon will start to form the crown splash. “Creation Time” is measured in seconds.

Acting Time

The value is the time in seconds during which the daemon's force (“Strength”) is acting on the particles. With higher values, the crown will be higher as well. Please be aware that this parameter is very sensitive.

Surface Tension

This property describes a fluid's tendency to form drops. With high values, you often see a contraction, but also a coherent fluid with thicker borders. This parameter has been added for your convenience, but you can also use the domain's "Surface tension".

Spikes Count

Spikes are accelerated faster than the rest of the fluid. The number of spikes is defined with this parameter. The individual height of each spike can determined in the daemon's “Crown shape” section.


In order to get a “thicker” splash, please increase the parameter's value.

Show Manipulator Tool

A click on this button opens an editor for shaping the viewport's crown gizmo.