Here, a mesh's shape and quality level are adjusted.
Linked Domains
It is possible to combine two or more fluid container under a single mesh node. Alternatively you can add additional "Mesher" nodes and mesh each fluid separately.
Add Selected Object(s)
Choose from a list which particle sources you want to mesh.
Remove Object(s)
Remove the selected container(s) from the "Linked Domains" field.
This is the mesh's quality level: the better the quality, the more polygons, and the longer the mesh creation time. Choose from five levels. And here is how the polygon size is calculated based on the "Radius" parameter:
- Low:
radius / 1.5001
- Low-Medium:
radius / 2.25
- Medium:
radius / 3.0
- Medium-High:
radius / 4.5
- High:
radius / 6.0
To create the mesh, RealFlow | Maya creates spheres around the particles and blends them. The size of these spheres is controlled here:
- The quality of the mesh also depends on the number of particles, and more particles create better meshes.
- With small "Radius" values and a low number of particles the mesh might look eroded or you will even see individual spheres.
- With high settings you might lose detail and mesh looks blobby with thick borders.
- You can refine the mesh with the "Smooth" parameter.
A value of 4 or 5 is sufficient in most cases. Higher values (6-7) can be used to close small holes in the fluid or remove unwanted patterns. With settings of 8 and more, many details will be lost.
This filter is an easy-to-use method to improve the mesh's overall quality. Valid values range between 0 (no thinning) to 1 (maximum). We recommend settings between 0.1 and 0.3.
This type stretches and sharpens the mesh’s edges and gives you a much more natural look. Valid values range between 0 (no thinning) to 1 (maximum). We recommend values between 0.1 and 0.3, and alter “Relax Iterations” instead. Over-relaxed meshes have sharp borders and a stringy look.
Relax Iterations
A few notes on this parameter:
- Valid values range between 0 to 10.
- Higher values mean less mesh detail.
- High values in conjunction with high "Relax" settings might produce unrealistic results, unless you really want to achieve a certain effect, e.g. liquid metal.
Auto Mesh Normals
When this option is active
- the RealFlow | Maya mesh engine will create the normals to create best result in terms of flicker and jitter effects
When this option is inactive
- the mesh's normal quality is usually not so good as with "Auto Mesh Normals" turned on
Motion Blur Strength
Here it is possible to control the strength of the motion blur effect. The value acts like a multiplier.
Auto Build
When enabled the mesh will be recreated automatically once you have changed a mesh parameter. When disabled you have to click on "Build Mesh".
Build Mesh
A click on this button recreates the mesh with the new settings. If you want to apply changes automatically enable "Auto Build".