In the SketchUp plugin, an MXS Reference is represented as a Component, to which the path to an MXS file has been attached. To enable visual placement of the reference within the SketchUp model, the plugin reads the specified MXS file and builds a proxy set of bounding boxes describing the geometry it contains. When the model is rendered, rather than export the proxy geometry, the plugin writes the MXS path, instead. This allows for working with hundreds or thousands of instances of complex pieces of geometry, without significantly slowing down SketchUp, and without using more memory than necessary.
Inserting MXS References
To insert a new MXS Reference, click the plugin's Insert MXS Reference menu item or toolbar button:
When loaded into the render engine, the first instance of the MXS Reference will require memory sufficient to hold all of the geometry it contains, and the external files (textures, etc) it references. Further copies, however, will consume very little memory, since they will be exported as instances of the first reference.
Creating MXS files for referencing
As of plugin version 3.0.11, it is possible, with a licensed plugin running in SketchUp Pro, to create MXS files for referencing directly from within SketchUp, by using SketchUp's File > Export > 3D Model command.