- Mac OS X 10.8 and higher
- CPU 64-bit Intel®
- 4 GB RAM minimum, 8 GB of RAM memory is highly recommended
- Hardware-accelerated OpenGL® graphics card
- 1 GB available hard disk space for installation
- 3 button mouse
3.- Improvements
RF-1659 Improvement - Nodes that read from file should output the last position read of the file as well.
Maxwell Integration
RF-2527 Improvement - Access to Maxwell sun rotation from Python, Graphs and XML.
RF-514 Limitation - Interaction with planes is not good
Caronte integration
RF-1568 Limitation - A node of type HY_Domain in cache mode doesn't affect neither rigid nor soft body objects.
RF-1330 Limitation - Commands organizer should accept graphs
FLW read/write
RF-2170 Limitation - The option "Selection Highligthing" from the menu "View->Show" is not saved with the project.
RF-2169 Limitation - The options to hide/show the nodes of the scene from the menu "View->Show" are not saved with the project.
RF-160 Limitation - Scene Animation.SD doesn't hold new objects created during the simulation.
RF-156 Limitation - Maximum number of threads is 128
RF-1988 Limitation - FieldSave node cannot save several fields inside a single file. Unlike FieldRealLoad.
Grid splash & Foam
RF-562 Limitation - Mist can't be created for Splash&Foam and Wet&Foam nodes.
Grid wet & Foam
RF-562 Limitation - Mist can't be created for Splash&Foam and Wet&Foam nodes.
RF-1568 Limitation - A node of type HY_Domain in cache mode doesn't affect neither rigid nor soft body objects.
Hybrido fluids
RF-300 Limitation - Proxy files cannot be exported with the GridDomain on cache mode
Hybrido mesh
RF-2378 Limitation - Liquid-Hybrido secondary emitters and Liquid-Particles emitters are ignored for meshing when added to a HY_Mesh.
Maxwell Integration
RF-1735 Limitation - RealFlow crashes during Maxwell voxelization when memory is exceeded
Object emitter
RF-146 Limitation - Object Emitter in vertex or faces mode does not export the selection
User interface
RF-2170 Limitation - The option "Selection HighligthingHighlighting" from the menu "View->Show" is not saved with the project.
RF-2169 Limitation - The options to hide/show the nodes of the scene from the menu "View->Show" are not saved with the project.
XML import/export
RF-333 Limitation - Initial State for objects cannot be reused when exporting scene as XML because it is embedded into the .FLW file.
RF-146 Limitation - Object Emitter in vertex or faces mode does not export the selection
Fixed bugs
RF-2776 Technical task - RF-2767Major Major - UV's are not correctly stored. -
RF-2769 Technical task - RF-2767Major Major - Stitcher relies on correct padding to sort files -
RF-2768 Technical task - RF-2767Major Major - Store velocity in all polymeshes as builtin (not only as arb geom) -
RF-2749 Bug - Objects imported from Alembic are not updated properly during animation when the global "Geometry Scale" parameter is different than 1. This happens for both regular objects and objects imported as a Multibody.
Alembic I/O
RF-2753 Bug - RF crashes when displaying a stitched particle mesh and loading an undefined frame
Attractor daemon
RF-2556 Bug - Attractor daemon does not work with secondary emitters of Liquid-Hybrido type.
RF-2558 Bug - The "Affect" parameter in the Attractor daemon does not work with Hybrido secondary emitters when the value is set to "Velocity".
Built-in objects
RF-2542 Bug - Cell size scale is not applied to new scene objects unless scene is reopened, or cell size scale is changed again.
RF-2731 Bug - It is not possible to link a Group with a Hub with scripting or graphs.
RF-2732 Bug - Removing nodes from a graph or Python may crash RealFlow if there are groups in the scene.
Command Line Version
RF-2550 Bug - RealFlow crashes when launching Hybrido simulations with Initial State.
Coriolis daemon
RF-2561 Bug - Coriolis daemon does not work with secondary emitters of Liquid-Hybrido type.
RF-2562 Bug - The "Affect" parameter in the Coriolis daemon does not work with Hybrido secondary emitters when the value is set to "Velocity".
Drag force daemon
RF-2544 Bug - Drag daemon does not work with secondary emitters of Liquid-Hybrido type.
DSpline daemon
RF-2567 Bug - The "Affect" parameter in the DSpline daemon does not work with Hybrido secondary emitters when the value is set to "Velocity".
RF-2565 Bug - DSpline daemon does not work with secondary emitters of Liquid-Hybrido type.
Ellipsoid force daemon
RF-2563 Bug - Ellipsoid Force daemon does not work with secondary emitters of Liquid-Hybrido type.
RF-2553 Bug - RealFlow crashes when we try to fracture any type of Mesh node.
RF-2551 Bug - Build Mesh Sequence should make sure that selected meshes have the Build parameter set to Yes.
RF-2722 Bug - Compound Interface graph nodes are not properly painted when they have no pins.
RF-2564 Bug - SetNodeParameter graph node does not work with parameters of Double type. Like SPH emitters "Resolution".
Gravity daemon
RF-2585 Bug - The "Affect" parameter in the Gravity daemon does not work with Hybrido secondary emitters when the value is set to "Velocity".
Grid splash
RF-2559 Bug - The initial state of the Hybrido secondary emitters is not found unless the BIN format is used in the export central. It should be the RPC format.
RF-2555 Bug - Angle threshold in Hybrido Splash emitters isn´t copied when cloning.
Grid splash & Foam
RF-2559 Bug - The initial state of the Hybrido secondary emitters is not found unless the BIN format is used in the export central. It should be the RPC format.
Grid Waterline
RF-2791 Bug - The particles from the "HY_Waterline" node are placed wrongly when the fluid used to place them is missing.
RF-2772 Bug - RealFlow crashes when the "Object" referenced by a "HY_Waterline" is missing when the scene is loaded.
Grid Wet
RF-2773 Bug - RealFlow crashes when the "Object" referenced by a "HY_wet" is missing when the scene is loaded.
Grid wet & Foam
RF-2774 Bug - RealFlow crashes when the "Object" referenced by a "HY_Wet_Foam" is missing when the scene is loaded.
RF-2695 Bug - The timing of Hybrido simulations is different if the general max. steps is larger than the hybrido min. steps.
RF-2550 Bug - RealFlow crashes when launching Hybrido simulations with Initial State.
Hybrido fluids
RF-2727 Bug - RealFlow crashes If we reset to an initial state created using the VDB format when the simulation was done exporting the GFC format.
Hybrido mesh
RF-2792 Bug - RealFlow crashes when meshing a "HY_Mesh" node and the vorticity option in the Alembic file format options is enabled. Only if previously we have loaded a cached frame for the same "HY_Mesh" node.
Import objects
RF-2542 Bug - Cell size scale is not applied to new scene objects unless scene is reopened, or cell size scale is changed again.
Layered vortex daemon
RF-2570 Bug - The "Affect" parameter in the Layered Vortex daemon does not work with Hybrido secondary emitters when the value is set to "Velocity".
RF-2569 Bug - Layered Vortex daemon does not work with secondary emitters of Liquid-Hybrido type.
Limbo daemon
RF-2568 Bug - The "Affect" parameter in the Limbo daemon does not work with Hybrido secondary emitters when the value is set to "Velocity".
RF-2566 Bug - Limbo daemon does not work with secondary emitters of Liquid-Hybrido type.
Magic daemon
RF-2572 Bug - The "Affect" parameter in the Magic daemon does not work with Hybrido secondary emitters when the value is set to "Velocity".
RF-2571 Bug - Magic daemon does not work with secondary emitters of Liquid-Hybrido type.
Maxwell Integration
RF-2766 Bug - HDR Background should not be checked (only illumination) when starting rendering
RF-2724 Bug - max resolution of cameras is 2560x2048
RF-2749 Bug - Objects imported from Alembic are not updated properly during animation when the global "Geometry Scale" parameter is different than 1. This happens for both regular objects and objects imported as a Multibody.
Noise field daemon
RF-2574 Bug - The "Affect" parameter in the Noise daemon does not work with Hybrido secondary emitters when the value is set to "Velocity".
RF-2573 Bug - Noise Field daemon does not work with secondary emitters of Liquid-Hybrido type.
Object emitter
RF-2780 Bug - Objects loaded from alembic files don't have valid texture coordinates even thought the textures are shown correctly on the OpenGL viewport. As a result things like, for instance, the Object emitter doesn't work when emitting from a texture.
RF-2778 Bug - RealFlow crashes when the texture file loaded for the "Speed" parameter in the Object Emitter node is missing and we simulate.
Object field daemon
RF-2576 Bug - The "Affect" parameter in the Object Field daemon does not work with Hybrido secondary emitters when the value is set to "Velocity".
RF-2575 Bug - Object Field daemon does not work with secondary emitters of Liquid-Hybrido type.
RF-2749 Bug - Objects imported from Alembic are not updated properly during animation when the global "Geometry Scale" parameter is different than 1. This happens for both regular objects and objects imported as a Multibody.
RF-2738 Bug - When loading a scene the global cell size scale is not applied to the computation of the volume of regular objects, i.e. objects not coming from a multibody node.
Ocean Force daemon
RF-2578 Bug - The "Affect" parameter in the Ocean Force daemon does not work with Hybrido secondary emitters when the value is set to "Velocity".
RF-2577 Bug - Ocean Force daemon does not work with secondary emitters of Liquid-Hybrido type.
OpengGL general visualization
RF-2756 Bug - RealFlow crashes when all the SceneView panels are closed and we try to add an object to the scene.
Python API
RF-2793 Bug - It is not possible to create, get or modify particle attributes of type PARTICLE_CHANNEL_TYPE_VECTOR_FLOAT with Python.
RF-2761 Bug - scene.removeNode() function is missing from Python API.
Python SDK
RF-2690 Bug - There is an urceValues() command in Python which is not correct.
RF-2732 Bug - Removing nodes from a graph or Python may crash RealFlow if there are groups in the scene.
Relationship Editor
RF-2704 Bug - It is not possible to remove more than one Group at the same time from the Relationship Editor.
SD read/write
RF-2789 Bug - When a simulation is stopped between frames (at a sub-step) the objects imported from a SD file and still linked to the SD file are located wrongly if we scrub the time line. Reset doesn't seems to fix the problem.
RF-2698 Bug - Updating a SD where there are objects in a group, will create duplicated Ids when opening the scene again.
RF-2669 Bug - Shelves elements get screwed when elements are popped-up
Shelves Manager
RF-2669 Bug - Shelves elements get screwed when elements are popped-up
Simulation Flow window
RF-2531 Bug - When simulation stops, Simulation Flow script editor text cursor is moved to the beginning of the script.
Texture-based parameters
RF-2784 Bug - The last folder used to load textures is not remembered, so the same default folder is always used.
Tractor daemon
RF-2580 Bug - The "Affect" parameter in the Tractor daemon does not work with Hybrido secondary emitters when the value is set to "Velocity".
RF-2579 Bug - Tractor daemon does not work with secondary emitters of Liquid-Hybrido type.
Vortex daemon
RF-2582 Bug - The "Affect" parameter in the Vortex daemon does not work with Hybrido secondary emitters when the value is set to "Velocity".
RF-2581 Bug - Vortex daemon does not work with secondary emitters of Liquid-Hybrido type.
Wind daemon
RF-2584 Bug - The "Affect" parameter in the Wind daemon does not work with Hybrido secondary emitters when the value is set to "Velocity".
RF-2583 Bug - Wind daemon does not work with secondary emitters of Liquid-Hybrido type.
6.- Known bugs
RF-2583 Bug - Wind daemon does not work with secondary emitters of Liquid-Hybrido type.
Known bugs
3D platform plug-ins
RF-2431 Bug - Preview with Maxwell by command line is not rendering the obj files.
RF-1886 Bug - ParticleLoad graph node does not load properly Alembic files that come from a standard emitter simulation.
RF-1031 Bug - Alembic files are not imported in Maya
Alembic I/O
RF-1540 Bug - Once an alembic file has been loaded, its "file handle" is not freed.
RF-1424 Bug - Moving a cloned multibody coming from an alembic file does not work properly
Alternative paths
RF-2481 Bug - Creating a new scene does not clear the current state of alternative paths.
Animation curves
RF-2234 Bug - There is a gap between animated geometry and distance field if the geometry is animated in RealFlow.
RF-455 Bug - Realflow doesn't work with negatives frames properly.
Arnold Integration
RF-2452 Bug - Sometimes the "maxwell" and "arnold" file names on Export Central are missing.
RF-2375 Bug - particle meshes don't have correct uv's
Batch script
RF-1688 Bug - Clicking on the right column of the script editor autocompletion popup does not open the help for that function.
Binary loader emitter
RF-866 Bug - Retimer should work with unsimulated binary loaders.
Built-in objects
RF-1905 Bug - Capsule object is not symmetrical
RF-1574 Bug - The maxwell related SDK functions that are now available in Python are not available in C++.
RF-1141 Bug - Removing a standard emitter node during simulation (via scripting or graph) crashes RealFlow.
RF-1758 Bug - Modifying a camera view with the viewport should be undoable.
RF-1757 Bug - Modifying a camera view directly on the viewport does not set the scene as modified.
RF-1159 Bug - Changing the normals to reversed for dynamics objects is working bad when selecting active or passive
RF-853 Bug - Imported animated objects to use them as softbodies, can't be set with an initial speed.
Caronte integration
RF-1112 Bug - Fracture tool voronoi uniform is using "extrussion effect" unexpectedly.
RF-359 Bug - Caronte simulations aren´t deterministic unless RF gets reopen every time
Circle emitter
RF-913 Bug - V and H random is not working if an emitter is set as volume
Command Line Version
RF-1428 Bug - Fill Object not working on command line
RF-1332 Bug - RealFlow is crashing when creating a folder and it can't be created.
RF-2435 Bug - Command line options should be exported in the xml
RF-445 Bug - RF crashes at shutdown when the file for a command plugin is removed from the plugins folder and that command plugin was previously loaded into RF using the commands organizer, only happen when a scene is loaded before closing.
Curve Editor
RF-847 Bug - Expressions with references are not updated when the related parameter changes and is not animated.
Drag force daemon
RF-1984 Bug - Force Limit parameter for Drag Daemon is not working
DSpline daemon
RF-1422 Bug - XML export and import of animated DSpline and Spline Emitter control points is not possible.
Export Central
RF-2452 Bug - Sometimes the "maxwell" and "arnold" file names on Export Central are missing.
RF-1525 Bug - Disabling RFS from Export Central sends the FLW to the Job Manager instead of a script. There should be no checkbox.
Fibers emitter
RF-919 Bug - Fibers emitter should have a seed # to be deterministic.
File export
RF-2231 Bug - Animation.sd and bdc for imported geometry as Multibody or ABC multibody are not saved by command line.
RF-1070 Bug - RealFlow crashes in command line when there is no HDD space
Fill object emitter
RF-1428 Bug - Fill Object not working on command line
RF-1189 Bug - Fracture by points is not working properly.
RF-1046 Bug - External transition decay should be Internal transition decay for the Internal group inside fracture by radial parameters.
RF-2013 Bug - File Name Prefix, from File Name Options is missing from graphs.
RF-458 Bug - Object name must be removed from Multjoints if the object is changed to dynamics NO.
RF-2512 Bug - The attached VDB file can't be meshed with the graph node "FieldRealMesher" anymore.
RF-1245 Bug - Graph Notes alpha is reset to strange values when changing background colors
background colors
Grid Foam
RF-1740 Bug - Foam particles are behaving wrongly in some circumstances, it seems to be when the core fluid simulation is very thin.
Grid splash
RF-2285 Bug - Max particles for secondary splash emitter is not working
RF-2184 Bug - RealFlow crash when orbiting the viewport while using Splash-Hybrido
Grid splash & Foam
RF-1121 Bug - The exported sequence is not divided into two sequences, one for "_splash", "_wet" and the other "_foam."
Grid wet & Foam
RF-1121 Bug - The exported sequence is not divided into two sequences, one for "_splash", "_wet" and the other "_foam."
RF-1762 Bug - The parameter "Evaluation uvw mapping" in the "Ocean Statistical Spectrum" panel for the "HY_Domain" nodes is deprecated and should not be part of the panel anymore.
RF-1322 Bug - Use cache for Displacement will make crash RealFlow
Hybrido fluids
RF-1373 Bug - Friction texture in the HyFLIP solver is not working when the volume mode of the object is "Shell".
Hybrido mesh algorithm
RF-1869 Bug - RealFlow crash when building the mesh in this scene with clipping objects (scene link attached)
RF-1404 Bug - The attenuation of the displacement based on the splashity is not working well.
Hybrido mesh
RF-2173 Bug - Hybrido meshes are not exported properly to ABC when using use displacement
RF-1507 Bug - HY_Mesh node lacks a texture channel
RF-1791 Bug - Hybrido Domain does not recognize the $(IDOC) macro for exporting/importing data.
Import objects
RF-1346 Bug - OBJ import uses LW axis setup
RF-309 Bug - Flat planes imported as .SD from a 3D application have collision distance equal to zero
Job Manager
RF-1525 Bug - Disabling RFS from Export Central sends the FLW to the Job Manager instead of a script. There should be no checkbox.
K age daemon
RF-918 Bug - k Age daemon should accept float values for better precision.
K sphere daemon
RF-1909 Bug - Fit to Object doesn't allow to choose emitters as objects for some K daemons
K volume daemon
RF-1909 Bug - Fit to Object doesn't allow to choose emitters as objects for some K daemons
Maxwell Integration
RF-2456 Bug - motion blur not working on command line
RF-1019 Bug - Maxwell takes long time to update the view when there is just one viewport working on Windows.
Movie Player window
RF-2210 Bug - Movie Player crashes exporting video if some of the frames has a different size.
RF-1089 Bug - RealFlow is crashing when cancelling to create a video from movie player.
RF-1996 Bug - Updating a SD loaded as multibody hangs the machine
RF-524 Bug - SD scene update does not seem to work with Multibodies
RF-2398 Bug - Adding Multibodies to Multijoints and checking the Disable collisions by pairs parameter makes that the objects are dessapearing of the objects list.
RF-625 Bug - Create/Recreate button removes joints for all MJ nodes, to create the new joints for the actual Multijoint node.
RF-895 Bug - Name of some parameters in servos panel must be changed.
RF-679 Bug - Multiservo linear doesn't work properly with the Free Z parameter to Yes.
Node parameters window
RF-1689 Bug - SetNodeParameter graph node should refresh the parameter list.
Object manipulation in viewport
RF-2286 Bug - Particles as Spheres are represented in a wrong way in an orthographic view.
OpengGL general visualization
RF-2457 Bug - Exported OpenGL viewport images during simulation are might show a frame offset.
RF-1310 Bug - VBO active in ATI graphic cards changes the viewport background color
OpengGL glsl shaders
RF-1552 Bug - Spheres drawn with the shader (in hybrido obv) are deformed based on the window size.
Parameters manipulation
RF-1712 Bug - Whitespaces on node names can mess up with a lot of node parameters which relay on the blank space as the separator for multiple values.
Particle mesh (Renderkit) integration
RF-709 Bug - RK Mesher Clipping not working with RealWave nor Box
Particle mesh (Standard)
RF-876 Bug - UV in md meshes is not working properly
Particle-based fluids
RF-680 Bug - Max particles in Splash emitter doesn´t have any effect
RF-280 Bug - "Thin face test" is not working.
RF-2432 Bug - RealFlow does not write preferences properly under OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)
Python API
RF-2021 Bug - activeExportData and isExportDataActive functions are missing for some node types like waterline
RF-842 Bug - Object "getVelocity" function is giving wrong results.
Python Editing
RF-2305 Bug - Python Find dialog remains behind the script editor when it is modal.
RF-2304 Bug - Dragging a piece of Python code from a Script Editor to a shelf removes the code from the editor. It can be brought back with CTRL+Z
Python SDK
RF-2236 Bug - Calling scene.exportCurrentFrame() during simulation freezes RealFlow.
RF-874 Bug - scene.stopSimulation() doesn't work if simulation is started from a Batch Script
RF-1769 Bug - Realwave interaction with objects is wrong when chopinness is activated
RF-452 Bug - RealWave waterline of objects is not correctly computed with choppy Statistical Spectrum waves.
RealWave Object splash
RF-1443 Bug - Connecting from Object Splash to RealWave will make crash RealFlow.
Relationship Editor
RF-2255 Bug - Relationship Editor groups self-connection threshold is too sensitive.
RF-991 Bug - Hidding a group in the Relationship Editor and unhidding again, it will unhide the nodes inside the group too.
RF-1211 Bug - Sometimes RealFlow crashes when clicking on the Input/Output section of the retimer if the scene animation.sd file export is enabled on Export Central.
RF-838 Bug - When only the scene animation.sd is being exported, the default settings of the retimer exclude them of the result.
SD read/write
RF-1888 Bug - Animation coming from a SD file and exported using Cinema4D is wrong.
RF-720 Bug - Including an object to collision with sph particles in the middle of the simulation changes its original position. There is not any Dynamic object.
RF-2304 Bug - Dragging a piece of Python code from a Script Editor to a shelf removes the code from the editor. It can be brought back with CTRL+Z
Shelves Manager
RF-2022 Bug - Up and down keyboard arrows do not let you move along the content of the shelves/commands list in the Shelves Manager. (Mac OS X)
Simulation Flow architecture
RF-899 Bug - Particles created at the same frame (or last substep) cannot be removed from "Simulation Flow".
Simulation Flow window
RF-2158 Bug - Simulation Flow Graphs should save the viewport geometry.
RF-2034 Bug - Script files on Simulation Flow don't show any error when the file is missing.
Simulation Graph
RF-1145 Bug - Exploding a Compound might put the nodes inside mixed with the existing ones at the current level. At least those nodes should remain selected for their repositioning.
RF-1141 Bug - Removing a standard emitter node during simulation (via scripting or graph) crashes RealFlow.
Spline emitter
RF-1721 Bug - @CP rotation for DSSpline emitter is working bad when simulating.
RF-1422 Bug - XML export and import of animated DSpline and Spline Emitter control points is not possible.
User interface
RF-2237 Bug - Display Slice Plane for geometries is painting geometry subdivisions.
RF-981 Bug - Statistic Panel not showing Existent/Emitted info on HY-SPH elements
Video preview
RF-1082 Bug - Viewport behind previous window is updating when making a video preview.
XML import/export
RF-2187 Bug - Saving xml backups shows messages "Error trying to get parameter: xxx"