Name | Description |
ArrayRealFlowNodeConcat | This node concatenates the inputs 'array0' and 'array1' into a single 'out' array. |
ArrayRealFlowNodeConstant | This node returns a constant array. |
ArrayRealFlowNodeFilterByMask | This node returns the elements of the input 'array' at positions specified by the 'mask' parameter. |
ArrayRealFlowNodeFindAllElementIndices | This node returns all positions in the input 'array', which fit to the input 'element' values. |
ArrayRealFlowNodeFindElement | This node returns the first position of appearance of the input 'element' within the input 'array'. If the array does not contain the element, -1 is returned. |
ArrayRealFlowNodeInsertElement | This node inserts all elements from the 'element' input into the input 'array' at the position specified by 'position'. If 'position' is equal or lower than 0 then the elements are inserted at the beginning of the array. If 'position' is greater or equal than the inputs 'array' size, elements are appended at the end. |
ArrayRealFlowNodeMix | This node creates an output array based on the two inputs 'array0' and 'array1' and the input mask. If the mask value equals 0 then the value of 'array0' is used, if the mask value is 1 the value of 'array1' is used. |
ArrayRealFlowNodePushElement | This node appends all the elements from the 'element' at the end of the input 'array'. |
ArrayRealFlowNodeRemoveElement | This node removes all elements of the 'by_value' from the input 'array'. The returned mask has the same size as the input 'array' and is set to 0 at removed positions. |
ArrayRealFlowNodeRemoveIndex | This node removes all input array positions by the 'index' input. |
ArrayRealFlowNodeRemoveRepeatedElements | This node removes all repetitions of elements from the input 'array'. The 'new_to_old' array can be used as an 'index' input for a GetArrayElement-Node to restore the original array. The returned mask has the same size as the input 'array' and is set to 0 at removed positions. |
ArrayRealFlowNodeResize | This node resizes the input 'array'. If the result is bigger than the input array, the last value is repeated accordingly. |
ArrayRealFlowNodeReverse | This node reverses the order of the input 'array'. |
ArrayRealFlowNodeSlice | This node returns an array containing the range of the input 'array' from the 'first' position with the given input 'size'.Thus, the output array is a subarray or slice of the input. |
GetAllCameras | This node returns all the Camera nodes in the scene. |
GetAllDaemons | This node returns all the Daemon nodes in the scene. |
GetAllDyversoDomains | This node returns all the DyversoDomain nodes in the scene. |
GetAllDyversoEmitters | This node returns all the DyversoEmitter nodes in the scene. |
GetAllHybridoBubbles | This node returns all the HybridoBubble nodes in the scene. |
GetAllHybridoDomains | This node returns all the HybridoDomain nodes in the scene. |
GetAllHybridoEmitters | This node returns all the HybridoEmitter nodes in the scene. |
GetAllHybridoFoams | This node returns all the HybridoFoam nodes in the scene. |
GetAllHybridoMeshes | This node returns all the HybridoMeshe nodes in the scene. |
GetAllHybridoMeshes_VDB | This node returns all the HybridoMeshe HybridoMeshes_VD nodes in the scene. |
GetAllHybridoMists | This node returns all the HybridoMist nodes in the scene. |
GetAllHybridoSplashAndFoams | This node returns all the HybridoSplashAndFoam nodes in the scene. |
GetAllHybridoSplashs | This node returns all the HybridoSplash nodes in the scene. |
GetAllHybridoWaterLines | This node returns all the HybridoWaterLine nodes in the scene. |
GetAllHybridoWetAndFoams | This node returns all the HybridoWetAndFoam nodes in the scene. |
GetAllHybridoWets | This node returns all the HybridoWet nodes in the scene. |
GetAllIdocs | This node returns all the Idoc nodes in the scene. |
GetAllMultiBodies | This node returns all the MultiBodie nodes in the scene. |
GetAllMultiJoints | This node returns all the MultiJoint nodes in the scene. |
GetAllMultiServoPosAngulars | This node returns all the MultiServoPosAngular nodes in the scene. |
GetAllMultiServoPosLinears | This node returns all the MultiServoPosLinear nodes in the scene. |
GetAllMultiServoVelAngulars | This node returns all the MultiServoVelAngular nodes in the scene. |
GetAllMultiServoVelLinears | This node returns all the MultiServoVelLinear nodes in the scene. |
GetAllNodeExportResourceCheckOptions | This node returns all the export resource check options allowed for the input 'resource id'. |
GetAllNodeExportResourceOptions | This node returns all the export resource options allowed for the input 'resource id'. |
GetAllNodeExportResources | This node returns all the export resource identifiers and descriptions. It is especially useful in combination with the rest of the 'Get/SetNodeExportResource' nodes. |
GetAllObjects | This node returns all the Object nodes in the scene. |
GetAllParticleLegacyMeshes | This node returns all the ParticleLegacyMeshe nodes in the scene. |
GetAllParticleMeshes | This node returns all the ParticleMeshe nodes in the scene. |
GetAllParticleMeshes_VDB | This node returns all the ParticleMeshe ParticleMeshes_VD nodes in the scene. |
GetAllRealFlowGroups | This node returns all the RealFlowGroup nodes in the scene. |
GetAllRealFlowNodes | This node returns all the current scene nodes. |
GetAllSplineNodes | This node returns all the SplineNode nodes in the scene. |
GetAllStandardEmitters | This node returns all the StandardEmitter nodes in the scene. |
GetArrayRealFlowNodeElement | This node returns the elements of the input 'array' at positions specified by the 'index' parameter. |
GetCamera | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetDaemon | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetDyversoDomain | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetDyversoEmitter | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetHybridoBubbles | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetHybridoDomain | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetHybridoEmitter | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetHybridoFoam | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetHybridoMesh | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetHybridoMesh_VDB | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetHybridoMist | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetHybridoSecondaryEmitter | This node gets the RealFlow Hybrido secondary emitter. |
GetHybridoSplash | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetHybridoSplashAndFoam | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetHybridoWaterLine | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetHybridoWet | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetHybridoWetAndFoam | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetIdoc | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetLinearVelocity | Returns the linear velocity of the input 'object' at the current moment. |
GetMatchingCameras | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingDaemons | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingDyversoDomains | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingDyversoEmitters | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingHybridoBubbles | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingHybridoDomains | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingHybridoEmitters | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingHybridoFoams | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingHybridoMeshes | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingHybridoMeshes_VDB | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingHybridoMists | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingHybridoSplashAndFoams | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingHybridoSplashs | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingHybridoWaterLines | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingHybridoWetAndFoams | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingHybridoWets | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingIdocs | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingMultiBodies | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingMultiJoints | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingMultiServoPosAngulars | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingMultiServoPosLinears | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingMultiServoVelAngulars | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingMultiServoVelLinears | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingObjects | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingParticleLegacyMeshes | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingParticleMeshes | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingParticleMeshes_VDB | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingRealFlowGroups | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingRealFlowNodes | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingSplineNodes | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMatchingStandardEmitters | This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'. |
GetMultiBody | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetMultiBodyInfo | This node returns information about the input multi-body. |
GetMultiBodyTransformation | This node returns an array of transformation matrices for all items within a MultiBody. |
GetMultiJoint | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetMultiServoPosAngular | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetMultiServoPosLinear | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetMultiServoVelAngular | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetMultiServoVelLinear | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetNodeExportResourceCheckOptionValue | This node returns the state of the input/export resource check options. |
GetNodeExportResourceIdFromDescription | This node returns all the information related to an export resource of the input 'node'. If the resource does not exist and the 'exists' output is not connected, an error message is displayed. |
GetNodeExportResourceInfo | This node returns all the information related to an export resource of the input 'node'. If the resource does not exist and the 'exists' output is not connected, an error message is displayed. |
GetNodeName | This node returns the input 'node' name. |
GetNodeParameter | This node returns the value of the input 'node' parameter. |
GetNodeParameterType | This node returns the value of the input 'node' parameter. |
GetObject | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetParticleLegacyMesh | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetParticleMesh | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetParticleMesh_VDB | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetRealFlowGroup | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetRealFlowNode | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetRealFlowNodeGlobalVariable | This node returns a reference to previously stored variables in global memory (using the SetGlobalVariable-Nodes). |
GetRealWaveAsHeightfieldImage | Returns a greyscale, 32bit image, containing the realwave surface as a heightfield. The search radius defines the area to be searched for neighboring polygons. For non-choppy surfaces, the radius may be low. For choppy-surfaces use high values (around 1.0), but take note, those values may result in poor performance, since choppy surfaces are converted to plain heightfields. The epsilon value describes an offset, which is reducing artifacts on the border. If polygons on the border are set to minimal height, increase this value. |
GetRealWaveHeightAt | Determines the height of a RealWave surface at the given input point (x,y,z) - the y coordinate is not considered and thus, may be 0. Returns the corresponding point on the surface (x,h,z). If the surface is not existing at the spppecified points position, the original, unchanged point (x,y,z) is returned. |
GetRealWaveInfo | This node returns information about the RealWave. |
GetRealWaveMesh | This object returns a reference to the RealWave mesh. |
GetSelectedNodes | This node returns the selected nodes in the scene. |
GetSplineNode | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetStandardEmitter | This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'. |
GetTransformation | This node returns all transformations of the input 'node'. |
NodeEnableExportData | This node changes the input 'node' active state for exporting data. |
NodeExportDataIsActive | This node returns the input 'node' active state for exporting data. |
RealFlowGroupAddMember | This node adds members to the input RealFlow scene Group. |
RealFlowGroupGetMembers | This node returns members from the input RealFlow scene Group. |
RealFlowGroupRemoveMember | This node removes members from the input RealFlow scene Group. |
RealWaveIndexToPos | Returns the world coordinates of RealWave vertices given by index. |
RealWaveIndexToUV | Returns the uv's of RealWave vertices given by index. |
RealWaveMeshUpdate | Refreshes the actual states of the RealWave mesh. |
RealwaveRigging | This node allows to rig waves on the RealWave-Mesh using keyframing. |
SetArrayRealFlowNodeElement | This node returns the elements of the input 'array' at positions specified by the 'index' parameter. |
SetMultiBodyTransformation | This node changes the global transformation matrix of the bodies of the input MultiBody 'node' to the given input matrix. |
SetNodeExportResourceCheckOptionValue | This node changes the check state of an input export resource check option. |
SetNodeExportResourceValue | This node changes the information related to an export resource of the input 'node'. |
SetNodeName | This node changes the input 'node' name. |
SetNodeParameter | This node changes the value of the input 'node' parameter. |
SetRealFlowNodeGlobalVariable | This node allows the user to create a reference or a copy of the input pin in global memory to be used within other RealFlow graph through the GetGlobalVariable nodes. |
SetRealWaveMesh | This object allows changes to the RealWave mesh. |
SetRealWaveMeshFromImage | This object sets the RealWave mesh according to the input image. The scale factor defines height (y-value) and choppiness (xz-values). |
SetTransformationFromComponents | This node changes the local transformation matrix of the input 'node'. |
SetTransformationFromMatrix | This node changes the local transformation matrix of the input 'node' to the given input matrix. |
This node concatenates the inputs 'array0' and 'array1' into a single 'out' array.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
out array | RealFlow Node |
| The out array |
This node returns a constant array.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
out array | RealFlow Node | The out array |
ArrayRealFlowNodeFilterByMask Anchor
This node returns the elements of the input 'array' at positions specified by the 'mask' parameter.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
result | RealFlow Node |
| The result |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
index | Integer | The index | |
mask | Bit | The mask |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
index | Integer | The index |
ArrayRealFlowNodeInsertElement Anchor
This node inserts all elements from the 'element' input into the input 'array' at the position specified by 'position'. If 'position' is equal or lower than 0 then the elements are inserted at the beginning of the array. If 'position' is greater or equal than the inputs 'array' size, elements are appended at the end.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
out array | RealFlow Node |
| The out array |
ArrayRealFlowNodeMix Anchor
This node creates an output array based on the two inputs 'array0' and 'array1' and the input mask. If the mask value equals 0 then the value of 'array0' is used, if the mask value is 1 the value of 'array1' is used.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
out array | RealFlow Node |
| The out array |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
out array | RealFlow Node |
| The out array |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
out array | RealFlow Node |
| The out array | |||||
mask | Bit | The mask |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
out array | RealFlow Node |
| The out array |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
new to old | Integer | The new to old | ||||||
mask | Bit | The mask | ||||||
out array | RealFlow Node |
| The out array |
This node resizes the input 'array'. If the result is bigger than the input array, the last value is repeated accordingly.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
out array | RealFlow Node |
| The out array |
This node reverses the order of the input 'array'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
out array | RealFlow Node |
| The out array |
ArrayRealFlowNodeSlice Anchor
This node returns an array containing the range of the input 'array' from the 'first' position with the given input 'size'.Thus, the output array is a subarray or slice of the input.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
out array | RealFlow Node |
| The out array |
This node returns all the Camera nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the Daemon nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the DyversoDomain nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the DyversoEmitter nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the HybridoBubble nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the HybridoDomain nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the HybridoEmitter nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the HybridoFoam nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the HybridoMeshe nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
GetAllHybridoMeshes_VDB Anchor
This node returns all the HybridoMeshe HybridoMeshes_VD nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the HybridoMist nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the HybridoSplash nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the HybridoWaterLine nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
GetAllHybridoWetAndFoams Anchor
This node returns all the HybridoWetAndFoam nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the HybridoWet nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the Idoc nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the MultiBodie nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the MultiJoint nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
GetAllMultiServoPosAngulars Anchor
This node returns all the MultiServoPosAngular nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
GetAllNodeExportResourceCheckOptions Anchor
This node returns all the export resource check options allowed for the input 'resource id'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
options | String | The check options allowed by the input export resource | |
value | Bit | The current check option values (checked or unchecked) |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
options | String | The options allowed by the input export resource | |
current value | String | The current option value |
GetAllNodeExportResources Anchor
This node returns all the export resource identifiers and descriptions. It is especially useful in combination with the rest of the 'Get/SetNodeExportResource' nodes.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
resource id | Integer | The id of the export resource | |
description | String | The description of the export resource |
This node returns all the Object nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
GetAllParticleMeshes Anchor
This node returns all the ParticleMeshe nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
GetAllParticleMeshes_VDB Anchor
This node returns all the ParticleMeshe ParticleMeshes_VD nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the RealFlowGroup nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the current scene nodes.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
node | RealFlow Node | The node |
This node returns all the SplineNode nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all the StandardEmitter nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
element | RealFlow Node | The element |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
GetHybridoDomain Anchor
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
GetHybridoMesh_VDB Anchor
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
GetHybridoMist Anchor
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
node | RealFlow Node | The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Returns the linear velocity of the input 'object' at the current moment.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
velocity | Vector3 | The velocity |
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
GetMatchingDyversoDomains Anchor
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
GetMatchingHybridoWaterLines Anchor
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
GetMatchingIdocs Anchor
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
GetMatchingMultiBodies Anchor
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
GetMatchingParticleLegacyMeshes Anchor
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
GetMatchingRealFlowNodes Anchor
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
node | RealFlow Node | The node |
This node returns the scene nodes that match the input 'name' using wildcard symbols '*' and '?'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
GetMultiBody Anchor
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns information about the input multi-body.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
no of items | Integer | The no of items | |
box | Box | The box | |
embedded | Bit | The embedded |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
object global matrix | Matrix4 | The object global matrix | |
object local matrix | Matrix4 | The object local matrix |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
GetNodeExportResourceCheckOptionValue Anchor
This node returns the state of the input/export resource check options.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
check | Bit | True if check option is enabled | |
through | PassThrough | node | The input 'node' |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
resource id | Integer | The id of the export resource from the input 'node' that matches the input 'description'. -1 otherwise | |
exists | Bit | True if the resource exists for the input node. False otherwise. An error message will be displayed if this output is not connected and the resource does not exist for the input node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
exists | Bit | True if the resource exists for the input node. False otherwise. An error message will be displayed if this output is not connected and the resource does not exist for the input node | |
active | Bit | True if the resource export is enabled | |
name | String | The name of the exported resource. Typically, it is the same for all resources in a node | |
path | String | The path of the exported resource | |
description | String | The description of the exported resource | |
extension | String | The file extension used by the exported resource | |
has options | Bit | True if the exported resource has extra options. An example of resource options is the Compression of an Alembic export resource | |
option | String | The option selected for the exported resource. An empty string if the exported resource does not accept options | |
has check options | Bit | True if the exported resource accepts additional check options. For example, the channels in an Alembic export resource |
GetNodeName Anchor
This node returns the input 'node' name.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
name | String | The name |
This node returns the value of the input 'node' parameter.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
string | String | The string value of the parameter in case the parameter is of the string type | ||||||
number |
| The number value of the parameter in case the parameter is of number type | ||||||
bit | Bit | The bit | ||||||
node value | RealFlow Node | The boolean value of the parameter in case the parameter is of boolean type | ||||||
type | ParameterType | The parameter type for info purposes |
This node returns the value of the input 'node' parameter.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
type | ParameterType | The parameter type |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
node | RealFlow Node | The node |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
out | RealFlow Node | The out |
This node is executed in parallel according to its input pins size.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
out image | Image | The out image |
GetRealWaveHeightAt Anchor
This node is executed in parallel according to its input pins size.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
out vector | Vector3 |
| The out vector |
This node returns information about the RealWave.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
no of vertices | Integer | The no of vertices | |
no of triangles | Integer | The no of triangles | |
bounding box | Box | The bounding box | |
initial dimension | Box | The initial dimension |
This object returns a reference to the RealWave mesh.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
mesh | RealWaveMesh | The mesh |
This node returns the selected nodes in the scene.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
nodes | RealFlow Node | The nodes |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns the scene node that matches exactly the input 'name'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node |
| The node |
This node returns all transformations of the input 'node'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
matrix | Matrix4 | The matrix | |
position | Vector3 | The position | |
rotation | Vector3 | The rotation | |
scale | Vector3 | The scale | |
shear | Vector3 | The shear | |
pivot | Vector3 | The pivot |
This node changes the input 'node' active state for exporting data.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
out node | PassThrough | node | The out node |
This node returns the input 'node' active state for exporting data.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
active | Bit | True if the node is allowed to export data | |
through | PassThrough | node | The input 'node' |
This node adds members to the input RealFlow scene Group.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
out group | PassThrough | group | The out group |
This node returns members from the input RealFlow scene Group.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
nodes | RealFlow Node | Nodes that belong to the group | |
through | PassThrough | group | The input 'group' |
RealFlowGroupRemoveMember Anchor
This node removes members from the input RealFlow scene Group.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
out group | PassThrough | group | The out group |
Returns the world coordinates of RealWave vertices given by index.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
vector | Vector3 | The vector |
Returns the uv's of RealWave vertices given by index.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
vector | Vector3 | The vector |
Refreshes the actual states of the RealWave mesh.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
out mesh | RealWaveMesh | mesh | The out mesh |
This node allows to rig waves on the RealWave-Mesh using keyframing.
The node is split into 4 groups of parameters:
1. The first group of parameters are controlling the deformation, the rigging-style and intensities. You may consider the position as a cylinder positioned in space, whereas the deformation only affects the surface within the radius of the cylinders radius.
3. Additional to standard waves, this node is able to rig radial waves (which may be used to imitate waves, caused by falling objects) - the radial waves can be controlled with third set of parameters.
4. Finally, this node allows the creation of splash particles at the waves peak. The behavior of these particles is defined by the last set of parameters.
In the following, a brief explanation of each concrete parameter will be given (see below). Additionally, we recommend to check out the examples, provided with this real flow distribution, since there are further informations given.
Finally, we would like to point out some additional facts about this node:
- This node allows the rigging of waves. Use a cylinder within the scene, rotate it by 90 degree and connect it to the position slot and the cylinders x-scale to the radius slot. Thus, you will have a good position and size control over the rigged wave.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
mesh in | RealWaveMesh | RealWave Mesh | ||||||
position | Vector3 (1) | The center of influence. You may consider this position as the center of a cylinder, whereas the dimensions of the cylinder defines the area of influence to the mesh. Take note, that the height (y-coordinate) is influencing the intensity of rigging and thus, wave-style, immensely | ||||||
rotation | Real (1) | The orientation of influence. Using this paramater, you may rotate the waves orientation around the y-axis | ||||||
width | Real (1) | The width of the wave. If connected to a cylinder, this represents the height of the cylinder - within this area, the full deformation is applied, whereas in the falldown areas the intensity is reduced constantly | ||||||
radius | Real (1) | The radius of influence. Within this axis-radius, the rigging is fullfilled | ||||||
intensity | Real (1) | The intensity of rigging. Higher values mean higher intensities | ||||||
intensity smooth | Integer (1) | This parameter reduces the spirality of the rigging. Increasing the value results in slower ascending and descending waves. Using this parameter, the appearance of the wave can be tweaked strongly. Typical values are between 1 and 4 | ||||||
l falldown func |
| Defines the falldown function. Normally, the parameter 'curve' should be used. The parameter is only used for linear waves (particularly, not for radial waves) | ||||||
l falldown width | Real (1) | Defines the width of the left falldown area of the wave. The intensity is decreased to 0 at distance width. The parameter is only used for linear waves (particularly, not for radial waves) | ||||||
r falldown func |
| Similar to 'l falldown func' | ||||||
r falldown width | Real (1) | Similar to 'l falldown width' | ||||||
anti spiral enable | Bit (1) | The basic principle of the wave deformation provided by this node is a spiral deformation. Normally, a spiral is not what you would like to produce. For strong deformations, you may unroll the spiral, starting from a freely chosen angel. From that area on, the spiral is unrolled to a linear function, allowing the wave to intersect the water surface. This parameter enables the anti-spiral functionality | ||||||
anti spiral angle | Real (1) | This angle defines the angle, from which on the spiral is unrolled. The angle start backwards from a 360 degree deformation. Thus, 90 degrees imply a vertical down direction and 180 degrees imply a horizontal direction into the direction of rolling. Any value in between may be chosen | ||||||
anti spiral curve | Real (1) | Since a plain linear function does not always represent a meaningfull wave, you may use this parameter to map the unrolled linear function back to a slight curve. Thus, different breaking styles may be represented | ||||||
radial enable | Bit (1) | This parameter enables radial waves. Radial waves are located around the center, which is specified in the following parameter. The radius of the radial wave is determined according to the position vector (see above) and the center position | ||||||
radial center | Vector3 (1) | The center of the radial wave | ||||||
radial fade angle | Real (1) | This parameter defines the direction of asymmetry. Using asymmetry the radial wave's deformation intensity is varied according to direction. Thus, the wave representation of objects falling into water with a horizontal velocity is possible | ||||||
radial fade start | Real (1) | This parameter defines the intensity of the lowest point of radial asymmetry. In particular, the start deformation intensity on the opposite side of the in the previous parameter specified direction. The value ranges between 0 (=total assymetriy) and 1 (=symmetry) | ||||||
emit angle thresh | Real (1) | Starting from this threshold on, new particles are created if the deformed surface exceeds this angle. The angle is defined similar to the angle 'anti spiral angle' - e.g., 90 degrees imply a vertical down direction and 180 degrees imply a horizontal direction into the direction of rolling. Any value in between may be chosen | ||||||
emit pos offs | Real (1) | A y-threshold which is added to the emitter position. Might be helpful in some circumstances | ||||||
emit vel | Real (1) | Defines the emitters absolute velocity. Should depend on the speed of the wave | ||||||
emit vel angle | Real (1) | Defines the emitters velocity direction. As a starting point, the same angle like 'emit angle thresh' can be used. The angle is defined similar to the angle 'anti spiral angle' - e.g., 90 degrees imply a vertical down direction and 180 degrees imply a horizontal direction into the direction of rolling | ||||||
emit jitter | Real (1) | Add jittering to the particle creation positions, to reduce visible patterns within the created particles. |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
mesh out | RealWaveMesh | The new real wave mesh, including the deformation | |
emitter pos | Vector3 | The position of newly created particles at the wave peak. To use them within your scene, you may use the 'addParticle'-Node | |
emitter vel | Vector3 | The velocity of newly created particles at the wave peak |
This node returns the elements of the input 'array' at positions specified by the 'index' parameterthe 'index' parameter.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
array | RealFlow Node |
| The array | |||||
index | Integer | The index | ||||||
element | RealFlow Node | The element |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
result | RealFlow Node |
| The result |
This node changes the global transformation matrix of the bodies of the input MultiBody 'node' to the given input matrix.
The 'mask' parameter can be used to determine which body transformation needs to be changed.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | array | RealFlow Node|||||
node |
| The arraynode | |||||||
indexmask | IntegerBit | The index | element | RealFlow NodeIf connected, the true bits of the mask determine which objects from the MultiBody will be modified | |||||
matrix | Matrix4 | The elementnew global matrix for the MultiBody object |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
resultthrough | RealFlow NodePassThrough |
| The result |
The through |
An example of export resource check option is the Alembic particle channel list: ['force','normal', ... ].
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
node | RealFlow Node | out node | The node |
resource id | Integer | The id of the resource to check | |
option name | String | The name of the check option of the export resource. It is not case sensitive | |
check | Bit | True to enable the check option |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
out node | PassThrough | node | The out node |
This node changes the information related to an export resource of the input 'node'.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
node | RealFlow Node | out node | The node |
resource id | Integer | The id of the resource to check | |
enable | Bit | True to enable the export resource | |
name | String | The name of the exported resource | |
path | String | The path of the exported resource | |
option | String | The option to set for the exported resource. It is not case-sensitive |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
out node | PassThrough | node | The out node |
This node changes the input 'node' name.
Currently only the internal name is changed, and change is not reflected in the user interface.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
node | RealFlow Node | The node | |
name | String | The name |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
evaluate | Evaluate | The evaluate |
This node changes the value of the input 'node' parameter.
Only the compatible input values are actually taken into account.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description | |||||
node | RealFlow Node | out node | The node | |||||
parameter | String (1) | The parameter | ||||||
string value | String | The string value for the parameter in case the parameter is of the string type | ||||||
number value |
| The number value for the parameter in case the parameter is of number type | ||||||
bit value | Bit | The bit value | ||||||
node value | RealFlow Node | The node value for the parameter in case the parameter is of node type |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
out node | PassThrough | node | The out node |
This node allows the user to create a reference or a copy of the input pin in global memory to be used within other RealFlow graph through the GetGlobalVariable nodes.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
name | String (1) | The name | |
in | RealFlow Node | through | The in |
store copy | Bit (1) | The store copy |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
through | PassThrough | in | The value connected to the input |
out copy | RealFlow Node | The value copied in memory in case a copy has been performed. The same input value otherwise |
This object allows changes to the RealWave mesh.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
positions | Vector3 | The new position of the vertex in world space | |
ids | Integer | The ids |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
evaluate | Evaluate | The evaluate |
This object sets the RealWave mesh according to the input image. The scale factor defines height (y-value) and choppiness (xz-values).
To get exactly the same results for the 'ImageOceanStatisticalSpectrum'-Node like the standard RealWave Statistical Spectrum, set the 'tiled'-option to 'yes', since the RealWave is always tilable.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
image | Image (1) | The image. Its bit depth must be 32 bit | |
mesh | RealWaveMesh (1) | out mesh | The mesh |
scale xyz | Vector3 (1) | The scale xyz | |
tiled | Bit (1) | The tiled |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
out mesh | RealWaveMesh | mesh | The out mesh |
This node changes the local transformation matrix of the input 'node'.
The transformation is defined by the translation, rotation and scale vectors.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
node | RealFlow Node | The node | |
translation | Vector3 | The translation | |
rotation | Vector3 | The rotation | |
scale | Vector3 | The scale |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
evaluate | Evaluate | The evaluate |
This node changes the local transformation matrix of the input 'node' to the given input matrix.
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
node | RealFlow Node | The node | |
matrix | Matrix4 | The matrix |
Name | Types | PassThrough | Description |
evaluate | Evaluate | The evaluate |