File Tab
These settings specify which types of files will be saved when converting the formZ project into a Maxwell Scene, and where they will be stored.
When a Maxwell rendering is made, the formZ project is translated into an MXS file. The resulting render may be stored as a standard bitmap image, as a high dynamic range Maxwell Image (MXI), or both. There are three general schemes for controlling how and where these files will be saved: Automatic, Manual, and Image Only.
Output File Paths: Automatic
- With Project: All automatically created folders and Maxwell output files will be created within the folder containing your formZ project.
- Custom Location: All automatically created folders and Maxwell output files will be created in the location specified in this field.
- MXI: An MXI will be saved. MXI is a high dynamic range format containing additional information such as Multilight settings. MXIs are unique in that their renderings can be stopped and resumed at any time, across multiple sessions. See Maxwell Render. If disabled, the Image checkbox must be enabled.
- Image: A bitmap image of the type and bit depth specified in Image Output (see Render Options: Image) will be saved. If disabled, the MXI checkbox must be enabled.
Folder per Project: A sub-folder will be created for each formZ project, named as follows: formZ project name + “Maxwell”
- Folder per Maxwell Scene: A sub-folder will be created with the scene name stem, minus the unique number at the end. If Folder per Project is also checked, the Maxwell Scene folder will be created within that folder.
- Create Embedded Textures Subfolder: When this option is selected, a folder for embedded textures which need to be saved to disk will be created inside the folder which receives the MXS. This can help to keep complex projects organized.
Filename Construction
- Project Name, Scene Name, View name. Ensure unique and meaningful filenames automatically.
Timestamp: Adds a timestamp to the output filename. This option is recommended when doing network renderings to avoid a situation where MXS files might otherwise be overwritten.
Denoise Tag: Text appended to the denoised image filename to distinguish it from the "raw" rendering.
Output File Paths: Manual
The plugin will use the filenames and absolute filepaths you specify in the following fields for the MXS. MXI, and image, and denoised image outputs.
- Create Embedded Textures Subfolder: When this option is selected, a folder for embedded textures which need to be saved to disk will be created inside the folder which receives the MXS. This can help to keep complex projects organized.
Output File Paths: Image Only
- With Project: When enabled, the output image will be created within the folder containing your formZ project.
- Custom Location: When enabled, the output image will be created in the location specified in this field.