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Code Block
void Cmaxwell::setPath(
                         const char* type,     // path type
                         const char* path,     // path name
                         byte& outputBitDepth  // Bit depth per plane
  • outputBitDepth specifies the bits depth per plane (8,16,32). This parameter is passed by reference so if the current format does not support the given depth, the SDK tries to change it automatically.
  • type must be one of the following values: "RENDER", "ALPHA", "SHADOW", "OBJECT", "MATERIAL", "MOTION", "Z", "ROUGHNESS", "FRESNEL".


"MXI FULLNAME" / 0 / char* name: Path of the MXI output file
"SAVE LIGHTS IN SEPARATE FILES" / byte / 0: Save all the lights embedded it the same. 1: Embed all in the same file if the format supports it

Render parameters
"STOP TIME" / dword / default:120 / maximum render time in minutes
"SAMPLING LEVEL" / float / default:25 / maximum sampling level
"NUM THREADS" / dword / Number of threads. 0 = automatic
"ID CPU" / dword / Seed used in the render.
"USE MULTILIGHT" / byte / default: 0 Enable MultiLight


"DO IDOBJECT CHANNEL" / byte / default: 0 Do Object ID channel
"DO IDMATERIAL CHANNEL" / byte / default: 0 Do Material ID channel
"DO SHADOW PASS CHANNEL" / byte / default: 0 Do Shadow pass channel
"DO RENDER CHANNEL / byte / default: 1 Do render channel
"DO ALPHA CHANNEL" / byte / default: 0 Do alpha channel
"DO OPAQUE ALPHA OPAQUE CHANNEL" / byte / default: 0 Do alpha opaque
"DO MOTION CHANNEL" / byte / default: 0 Do motion channel
"DO ROUGHNESS CHANNEL" / byte / default: 0 Do roughness channel
"DO FRESNEL CHANNEL" / byte / default: 0 Do fresnel channel
"DO ZBUFFER CHANNEL" / byte / default: 0 Do zbuffer channel
"ZBUFFER RANGE" / 2*real / -a, +b Set the zbuffer range using two values (a) and (b) which are negative and positive distances (-a, +b) from a reference location centred on the focalpoints.
"EMBED CHANNELS" / byte / : 0 Save channels in separate files. 1: Embed them in the same image if the format supports it

"DO DIRECT LAYER" / byte / default: 1 Calculate direct layer
"DO INDIRECT LAYER" / byte / default: 1 Calculate indirect layer
"DO DIRECT REFLECTION CAUSTIC LAYER" / byte / default: 1 Calculate direct reflection caustic layer
"DO DIRECT REFRACTION CAUSTIC LAYER" / byte / default: 1 Calculate direct refraction caustic layer
"DO INDIRECT REFLECTION CAUSTIC LAYER" / byte / default: 1 Calculate indirect reflection caustic layer
"DO INDIRECT REFRACTION CAUSTIC LAYER" / byte / default: 1 Calculate indirect refraction caustic layer
