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Comment: Corrected links that should have been relative instead of absolute.


setPointerInternal use.
Cobject#freefreeDestroys the object.
getNameGets object name.
setNameSets object name.
isMeshChecks whether the object is a mesh.
isInstanceChecks whether the object is an instance.
getInstancedGets instance's parent.
isRFRKChecks whether the object is a RFRK object.
getRFRKParametersGets ReaFlow RenderKit parameters.
setRFRKParametersSets ReaFlow RenderKit  parameters.
getReferencedScenePathGets the scene file referenced by this object.
setReferencedScenePathSets the scene file referenced by this object.
getReferencedSceneMaterialGets the material of an specific object inside the referenced scene.
setReferencedSceneMaterialSets the material of an specific object inside the referenced scene.
getReferencedOverrideFlagsGet the override policy for visibility flags.
setReferencedOverrideFlagsSet the override policy for visibility flags.
mergeMeshesMerges an array of meshes into a single mesh. Target object must not be included.
getParentGets the parent object in the hierarchy.
setParentSets the parent object in the hierarchy.
getUuidUnique user ID that can be used for custom purposes.
setUuidSets the unique user ID.
getMaterialGets the material applied.
setMaterialSets the object material.
setPropertiesSets the caustics properties of the object.


Gets all the extern dependencies of the object (rfrk files, etc).
getNumVertexesGets number of vertexes of the object.
getNumTrianglesGets number of triangles of the object.
getNumNormalsGets number of the normals of the object.
getNumPositionsPerVertexGets number of positions per vertex of the object.
getNumChannelsUVWGets number of UVW channels of the object.
addChannelUVWAdds an UVW channel to the object.
generateSphericalUVWGenerates spherical UVW coordinates.
generateCylindricalUVWGenerates cylindrical UVW coordinates.
generateCubicUVWGenerates cubic UVW coordinates.
generatePlanarUVWGenerates planar UVW coordinates.
getVertexGets vertex by index.
setVertexSets vertex by index.
getNormalGets normal by index.
setNormalSets normal by index.
getTriangleGets triangle (vertexes and normals) by index.
setTriangleSets triangle (vertexes and normals) by index.
getTriangleGroupGets triangle group by index.
setTriangleGroupSets triangle group.
getTriangleUVWGets triangle UVW coordinates.
setTriangleUVWSets triangle UVW coordinantes.
getTriangleMaterialGets triangle material.
setTriangleMaterialSets triangle material.
getGroupMaterialGets material of a group of triangles.
setGroupMaterialSets material of a group of triangles.
getBaseAndPivotGets base and pivot axes of the object.
setBaseAndPivotSets base and pivot axes of the object.
getWorldTransformReturn the world transform of the object.
getTransformSubstepsCountReturn the number of substeps used for defining Base and Pivot motion blur.
getTransfrormStepInfoByIndexReturn transform information( base, pivot and time) for the given index.
getPositionUsed by Maxwell Studio (not needed for rendering).
setPositionUsed by Maxwell Studio (not needed for rendering).
getRotationUsed by Maxwell Studio (not needed for rendering).
setRotationUsed by Maxwell Studio (not needed for rendering).
getScaleUsed by Maxwell Studio (not needed for rendering).
setScaleUsed by Maxwell Studio (not needed for rendering).
getShearUsed by Maxwell Studio (not needed for rendering).
setShearUsed by Maxwell Studio (not needed for rendering).
getPivotPositionUsed by Maxwell Studio (not needed for rendering).
setPivotPositionUsed by Maxwell Studio (not needed for rendering).
getPivotRotationUsed by Maxwell Studio (not needed for rendering).
setPivotRotationUsed by Maxwell Studio (not needed for rendering).
isPosRotScaleInitializedChecks if the methods above have been used for the given object.
cleanGeometryOptional routine that removes degenerated triangles, repeated/unused vertex and normals.
getHideGets "hide" status of the object.
setHideSets "hide" status of the object.
getHideToCameraGets "hide to camera" status of the object.
setHideToCameraSets "hide to camera" status of the object.
getHideToReflectionsRefractionsGets "hide to reflections and refractions" status of the object.
setHideToReflectionsRefractionsSets "hide to reflections and refractions" status of the object.
getHideToGIGets "hide to global illumination" status of the object.
setHideToGIGets "hide to global illumination" status of the object.
isExcludedOfCutPlanesGets "excluded of cut planes" status of the object.
excludeOfCutPlanesSets "excluded of cut planes" status of the object.
getReferenceDisplayPointsThis function is useful to display a mesh on a viewport.
setColorIDSets the color used by this object in the Object ID render channel.
getColorIDGets the color used by this object in the Object ID render channel.
setSubdivisionLevelSets the subdivision level of the mesh.
getSubdivisionLevelGets the subdivision level of the mesh.
setGeometryDirtySet the geometry "dirty".
getUserDataInternal use.
setUserDataInternal use.
getVertexesBufferInternal use.
getNormalsBufferInternal use.
getTrianglesBufferInternal use.
initializeMeshClean the mesh and allocates memory for vertexes, normals, triangles and motion blur.
resizeMeshReinitializes all the basic geometry and UV arrays.
getUVWChannelPropertiesGets UVW channel properties.
isGeometryLoaderChecks if the object was created by a geometry loader extension.
isGeometryProceduralChecks if the object was created by a procedural geometry extension.
hasGeometryModifiersChecks if the object has geometry modifiers (extensions).
cleanAllGeometryModifierExtensionsClean all geometry modifier extensions applyed to the object.
getGeometryModifierExtensionsNumberGets the number of geometry modifier extensions applied to the object.


Checks if any of the following methods have been used for the object: setPosition, setRotation, setScale, setShear, setPivotPosition and setPivotRotation. The correct way to transform the object is through the setBaseAndPivot method.

C++byte isPosRotScaleInitialized( bool& init )
Pythonbool isPosRotScaleInitialized()
