virtual bool getProxyDisplayPoints( const dword& percent, const dword& maxPoints, dword& nPoints,
float*& points );
Allocates and fills the "points" array with the coordinates of points to be drawn in the Studio viewport. Also sets "nPoints" to the actual number of points filled.
virtual bool getProxyDisplayLines( const dword& percent, const dword& maxPoints, const dword& maxLines, dword&
dword& nPoints, float*& points, dword& nLines, dword*& pointsPerLine );
virtual bool getProxyDisplayFaces( const dword& percent, const dword& maxFaces, dword& nPoints, float*&
points, dword& nFaces,
float*& points, dword& nFaces, dword*& faces );
Allocates and fills the "points" array and "faces" array with with the coordinates of points, and indexes to vertices to be drawn in the Studio viewport. Also sets "nPoints" to the actual number of points created and "nFaces" to the actual number of triangles created.