Cmaxwell class describes the whole Maxwell Render scene.
CoptionsReadMXS, CsceneInfo, CmultiValue, Cmaterial, CmaterialLayer, CmaterialEmitter, Creflectance, Ccoating, Cbsdf, Ccamera and Cobject.
Name | Description |
Cmaxwell | Class constructor. |
~Cmaxwell | Class destructor. |
getMxsVersion | Gets MXS file version. |
getMostRecentVersionMXS | Gets most recent MXS version supported. |
getPluginID | Gets the plug-in identifier from which the MXS was created. |
setPluginID | Gets the plug-in identifier from which the MXS was created. |
isProtectionEnabled | Internal use. |
enableProtection | Internal use. |
Scene methods | |
freeGeometry | Deletes all geometry of the scene. |
freeScene | Resets the scene. Cleans all objects, geometry, materials, etc. |
getScenePreview | Preview image of the scene stored in the file (useful for thumbnals). |
setScenePreview | Sets preview image. |
readPreview | Read scene preview image from path. |
setInputDataType | Set the axis orientation of the scene. |
setSinglePrecisionOfGeometry | Uses floats instead of doubles for geometry. |
setSceneUserData | Internal use. |
addCluster | Adds a triangle cluster to the scene. |
freeCluster | --TODO-- not implemented |
Object methods | |
getObject | Gets a object reference from the scene. |
createMesh | Creates a mesh with the given parameters and adds it to the scene. |
createInstancement | Creates an instancement. |
createProxy | Creates a proxy object from a MXS. |
createRFRK | Creates a RealFlow RenderKit object. |
addObject | Adds an existent object to the scene. |
mergeMeshes | Merges meshes into a new one. |
Camera methods | |
addCamera | Adds a new camera to the scene with the given parameters. |
getCamera | Gets a camera requested by name. |
getActiveCamera | Gets the active camera of the scene. |
Paths methods | |
setPath | Sets the path and depth for the given channel. |
getPath | Gets the path and depth for the given channel. |
addSearchingPath | Adds a path to look for missing textures, ior and ies files. |
getSearchingPaths | Gets all searching paths of the scene. |
Sky methods | |
getSunPositionType | Sets sun position type. |
setSunPositionType | Gets sun position type. |
getSkyConstant | Gets the parameters of the constant sky. |
setSkyConstant | Sets the parameters of the constant sky. |
getSunLongitudeAndLatitude | Gets sun longitude and latitude data. |
setSunLongitudeAndLatitude | Sets sun longitude and latitude data. |
getSunAngles | Gets sun position angles. |
setSunAngles | Sets sun position angles. |
getSunDirection | Gets sun direction vector. |
setSunDirection | Sets sun direction vector. |
getSunRotation | Gets sun rotation angles. |
setSunRotation | Sets sun rotation angles. |
getSunProperties | Gets sun properties |
setSunProperties | Sets sun properties. |
getPhysicalSkyAtmosphere | Gets physical atmosphere parameters. |
setPhysicalSkyAtmosphere | Sets physical atmosphere parameters. |
getActiveSky | Gets active sky name. |
setActiveSky | Sets active sky name. |
Additional sky methods | |
getSunDirectionUsedForRendering | Returns the sun direction. |
saveSkyToHDR | Saves current sky to an HDR file. |
saveSkyToPreset | Saves current physical sky values to a file. |
loadSkyFromPreset | Loads a preset file replacing current physical sky values. |
getSkyColor | Returns sky RGB color of the current sky values in the given direction. |
getSkyColorNoTonemapped | Returns sky RGB color (without tonemapping nor exposure) of the current sky values in the given direction. |
Environment methods | |
isEnvironmentEnabled | Gets IBL (Image Based Lighting) state. |
enableEnvironment | Sets the IBL (Image Based Lighting) on/off. |
getEnvironmentWeight | Gets the value for the global multiplier of all the environment layers. |
setEnvironmentWeight | Sets the value for the global multiplier of all the environment layers. |
getEnvironmentLayer | Gets the parameters of each environment layer. |
setEnvironmentLayer | Sets the parameters of each environment layer. |
Material methods | |
readMaterial | Reads a material from file (MXM). |
createMaterial | Creates a new material. |
getMaterial | Gets a material by name. |
addMaterial | Adds a material to the scene. |
eraseUnusedMaterials | Remove unused materials from the scene. |
setOverrideMaterial | Sets the path and state (enabled/disabled) of the material that overrides all materials of the scene (except emitter materials). |
getOverrideMaterial | gets the path and state (enabled/disabled) of the material that overrides all materials of the scene (except emitter materials). |
setDefaultMaterial | Sets the path and state (enabled/disabled) of the material that will be used for all the objects/triangles without material. |
getDefaultMaterial | Gets the path and state (enabled/disabled) of the material that will be used for all the objects/triangles without material. |
Render methods | |
setRenderParameter | |
getRenderParameter | |
Tonemapping methods | |
getToneMapping | |
setToneMapping | |
getActiveToneMapping | |
setAdvancedToneMapping | |
getAdvancedToneMapping | |
Read/write scene methods | |
readMXS | |
writeMXS | |
Glare methods | |
setDiffraction | |
getDiffraction | |
enableDiffraction | |
disableDiffraction | |
setColorSpace | |
getColorSpace | |
getColorSpaceGamma | |
Miscellaneous methods | |
getLastError | |
getLastErrorString | |
getDependencies | |
getObjectsCount | |
getMaterialsCount | |
getCamerasCount | |
getTriangleGroupsCount | |
getSceneInfo | |
computeFresnelGraph | |
computeAbbeGraph | |
getCorrelatedColorTemperature | |
generateUuid | |
searchFileInCommonPaths | |
createGeometryLoaderObject | |
createGeometryProceduralObject | |
applySkyExtension | |
applySceneModifierExtension |
Type | Name | In/out | Description |
const char* | pName | in | Cluster name |
Return value
Returns a Cmaxwell::Ccluster object, that is a reference to the cluster added to the scene.
Type | Name | In/Out | Description |
const char* | pPathMaterial | in | MXM file name of the default material. |
bool | enabled | in | Sets default material state (enabled/disabled). |
Anchor | ||||
Gets the path and state (enabled/disabled) of the material that will be used for all the objects/triangles without material.
Value | C++ | Python |
0 | Cmaxwell::ALL_CLEAN | Cmaxwell.ALL_CLEAN |
1 | Cmaxwell::CAMERA_DIRTY | Cmaxwell.CAMERA_DIRTY |
8 | Cmaxwell::GEOMETRY_DIRTY | Cmaxwell.GEOMETRY_DIRTY |
32 | Cmaxwell::SKY_OR_HDR_DIRTY | Cmaxwell.SKY_OR_HDR_DIRTY |
0x3F | Cmaxwell::ALL_DIRTY | Cmaxwell.ALL_DIRTY |