Language | Syntax |
C++ | const char* getAbsorptionDistance( real& distance ) |
Python | tuple (str type, float distance) getAbsorptionDistance() |
Language | Syntax |
C++ | byte getScatteringParameters( real& scatteringCoefficient, real& asymmetryFactor, bool& useThickness ) |
Python | tuple (float scatteringCoef, float asymmetryFactor, bool useThickness) getScatteringParameters() |
Language | Syntax |
C++ | byte getScatteringThicknessRange( real& min, real& max ) |
Python | tuple (float min, float max) getScatteringThicknessRange() |
Language | Syntax |
C++ | byte getIOR( real& nd, real& abbe ) |
Python | tuple (float nd, float abbe) getIOR() |
Return value
0 = Error getting the IOR parameters.
Language | Syntax |
C++ | byte getFresnelCustom( real& angleStranght, real& roughnessStrenght, bool& isEnabled) |
Python | tuple (float angleStrenght, float roughnessStrenght, bool isEnabled) getFresnelCustom() |
Return value
Tuple containing the custom fresnel values (angleStrenght, roughnessStrenght, isEnabled).