Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • FIXED: Preset Browser drag and drop problems with mxm and sky presets
  • FIXED: Crash at scene load
  • FIXED (OSX): Memory Leakage
  • FIXED: Plugin adds bake-able texture parameters to not bake-able material items (Cel Edges Material, Skin Material, etc.)
  • FIXED (OSX): Plugin crashes in the presence of other plugins
  • FIXED: Maxwell Environment Sky parameters Zenith and Horizon colors are mixed.
  • FIXED (WINDOWS): FIRE freezes when user switches scene, load new mxm material, etc.
  • FIXED: FIRE stops when user loads a new mxm material

Version 2.7000


  • Compiled Compatibility with the Maxwell 2.7
  • Compatibility fixes for modo 601 (it is required to install at least SP1 or newer version of modo 601!)
    Internal channel list name changes (It was a request from Luxology to avoid future compatibility problems)
    Unfortunately this change means the new version doesn't read the saved value of the following Maxwell channels:
    Texture Item
        Format channel
    Render Item
        Export Hidden            (Render Settings -> Export Hidden)
        Multilight                (Render Settings -> Multilight)
        Motion Blur                (Render Settings -> Motion Blur)
        Depth     channel         (Render Output -> Output -> Depth)
        Image Output channel    (Render Output -> Output -> Image Output)
        Type                     (Channels/Layers -> Type)
    Camera Item
        Exposure channel
    Advanced Material Item
        Type channel            (displacement type)
    Maxwell Environment Item
        Type channel            (environment type)
    Preference setting:
        Export > Auto convert images
        Maxwell FIRE > Quality
  • Improved channel export (linked channel values are exported correctly)
  • Plugin Manual button opens now the online plugin documentation. (PDF documentation is not part of the install package anymore.)
  • Maxwell Render item channel "Image Output" has been renamed to "Color Space" to follow the parameter name in Maxwell Studio.
  • Plugin sets the channel values correctly in "0.0 -- 1.0" percentage format mode too. (Default percentage format is "0.0% -- 100.0%")
  • New bokeh parameters have been added to the camera items


  • FIXED: Objects (exported by the modo plugin) emit light in the opposite direction.2 SDK
  • Mac OSX: Plugin stability has been improved.
  • Plugin doesn't write license warning for Maxwell Learning Edition users
  • Default color clamp changed from 240 to 225
  • Default install folder has been changed from Luxology/Plugins to Luxology/Configs (Please take care to remove the previous plugin version before you install the new one!)
  • OS X: new, improved installer


  • FIXED: Objects (exported by the modo plugin) emit light in the opposite direction.

Version 2.6100


  • Maxwell Item Proxy: Better viewport display of item bounding boxes (display bounding boxes if item instances, oriented bounding boxes)
  • Added Options button in FIRE window: it is possible to reach Fire options from inside the FIRE window before FIRE has been started
  • FIRE can update mesh changes automatically (there is a new FIRE Option to turn automatic geometry update on/off )
  • Default subdivision value changed to 6 from 16
  • Automatic export for Modo Vector Displacement
  • Displacement export follows the modo displacement values better
  • Added "Max Subdivision" to FIRE options: it is possible to set the maximum allowed subdivision level in FIRE mode (like draft displacement in modo preview)


  • FIXED: In some cases Modo can't load scene with Maxwell Proxy item
  • FIXED: Plugin doesn't export material group masks with item group filter correctly

Version 2.6000


  • Middle click inside the FIRE window refocuses the camera. (Globally, not at the clicked point...)
  • Plugin opens the online Maxwell Manual instead of the offline pdf file.
  • Material Precision parameter has been renamed to Subdivision (to keep consistency with Maxwell Studio).
  • New "Position Space" parameter has been added to the render item.
  • New Displacement "Type" parameter has been added to the advancedMaterial item (you can switch between "On The Fly" and "Pretessellated" modes).
  • Added control to enable/disable the pop-up dialog which comes up after the export process (if the log file contains warning or error messages). You can find this new control in the Preferences window Export tab.
  • New replicator export mode
    We have two export mode now -> "precise" and "fast" mode. The original export mode is called "precise" mode. With the new "fast" export mode you can export replicators with high amount of data much faster (but in this mode the plugin calculates the position of the replicated items, so it won't follow the modo replicator perfectly).
  • Added: Send Job To Network button
  • Plugin uses the new Maxwell motion blur which is much faster and produces better images. You can find new MB controls in the Render item panel. With "MB steps" parameter you can set how many transformation steps the exporter uses for MB export, and with the MB offset parameter you can set when the shutter opens compared to the current frame (MB Offset=1: Shutter opens before the current frame and closes at the current frame.  MB Offset=0.5: Shutter opens before the current frame and closes after the current frame, this is how modo MB works. MB Offset=0: Shutter opens at the current frame and closes after the current frame.)
        KNOWN ISSUE: moving item with MB can freeze modo if FIRE window is on.
  • New Maxwell Proxy item (It is possible to use it as replicator prototype item!)
  • Performance improvements (FIRE,Maxwell MXM items and at other areas)
  • Modo remembers the state of the Preferences, Render Animation and FIRE windows
  • Maxwell Environment item: Sun Power and Sun Temperature controls have been rearranged
  • Added: control for the new Sharpness parameter
  • Added: controls for render channel normals and position parameters
  • IOR light is exported with intensity


  • FIXED: FIRE crashes with some configurations
  • FIXED: Replicator instances exported with wrong positions
  • FIXED: Can't change the uvMap value of the texture locator if it is connected to MXM Material item. (only for new locators - unfortunately existing texture locators are still blocked.)

Version 2.5110


  • FIRE window base style has been changed from palette to window style. (FIRE window doesn't obscure the active application under OSX cocoa version.)
  • Small changes on material auto-conversion (better conversion for bump maps and transparency).
  • Plugin exports Gradient Environment images with frame numbers. (Now it is possible to export animation with animated gradient environment.)

  • FIRE window refresh improvements (Now FIRE window automatically refreshes if scale,rotation or translation item has been added to item or removed from item.)

  • Item transform read function has been changed - no it converts item positions better, and the new function displays Recoil calculation correctly. (Previous version had problems with channel or modifier driven channels.)

  • Maxwell displacement controls for auto converted materials.


  • FIXED: Plugin doesn't collect images into the export directory if directory doesn't exists (in Collect images to export directory mode)
  • FIXED: Object Motion Blur doesn't work
  • FIXED (limitation: plugin currently doesn't export motion blur data for mesh deformations)
  • FIXED: Plugin mixes channel separate/embedded modes.
  • FIXED: FIRE stops at 120 seconds