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boolSetPosition(unsigned int positionIndex, unsigned int stepIndex, const MPoint& position)
boolSetPositions(unsigned int stepIndex, const float* positions)
boolSetPositions(unsigned int stepIndex, const double* positions)
boolSetPositions(unsigned int stepIndex, const MFloatPointArray& positions)
boolMaxwellMayaMesh class#SetPositions(unsigned int stepIndex, const MPointArray& positions)
boolSetNormal(unsigned int normalIndex, unsigned int stepIndex, const MVector& normal)
boolSetNormals(unsigned int stepIndex, const float* normals)
boolSetNormals(unsigned int stepIndex, const double* normals)
boolSetNormals(unsigned int stepIndex, const MFloatVectorArray& normals)
boolSetNormals(unsigned int stepIndex, const MVectorArray& normals)
boolSetTriangle(unsigned int triangleIndex, unsigned int posIdx0, unsigned int posIdx1, unsigned int posIdx2, unsigned int normIdx0, unsigned int normIdx1, unsigned int normIdx2)
boolSetTriangles(const unsigned int* positionIndices, const unsigned int* normalIndices)
boolSetTriangles(const MIntArray& positionIndices, const MIntArray& normalIndices)
boolCreateUVSets(unsigned int count)
boolSetTriangleUVs(unsigned int triangleIndex, unsigned int setIndex, double u0, double v0, double u1, double v1, double u2, double v2)
boolSetUVs(unsigned int setIndex, const float* uvs)
boolSetUVs(unsigned int setIndex, const double* uvs)
boolSetUVs(unsigned int setIndex, const MFloatArray& uvs)
boolSetUVs(unsigned int setIndex, const MDoubleArray& uvs)
boolSetTriangleMaterial(unsigned int triangleIndex, const MaxwellMayaMaterialconst MaxwellMayaMaterial* material)
boolMaxwellMayaMesh class#SetTrianglesMaterial(unsigned int numTriangles, const unsigned int* triangleIndices, const MaxwellMayaMaterial* material)
boolSetTrianglesMaterial(const MIntArray& triangleIndices, const MaxwellMayaMaterial* material)
boolAddGeometryModifier(const MaxwellMayaExtensionParamsconst MaxwellMayaExtensionParams* params)
unsigned intGetNumPositions() const
unsigned intGetNumNormals() const
unsigned intGetNumTriangles() const
unsigned intGetNumSteps() const
unsigned intGetNumUVSets() const
boolGetPosition(unsigned int positionIndex, unsigned int stepIndex, MPoint& position) const
boolGetPositions(unsigned int stepIndex, MPointArray& positions) const
boolGetNormal(unsigned int normalIndex, unsigned int stepIndex, MVector& normal) const
boolGetNormals(unsigned int stepIndex, MVectorArray& normals) const
boolGetTriangle(unsigned int triangleIndex, unsigned int& posIdx0, unsigned int& posIdx1, unsigned int& posIdx2, unsigned int& normIdx0, unsigned int& normIdx1, unsigned int& normIdx2) const
boolGetTriangles(MIntArray& positionIndices, MIntArray& normalIndices) const
boolGetTriangleUVs(unsigned int triangleIndex, unsigned int setIndex, double& u0, double& v0, double& u1, double& v1, double& u2, double& v2) const
boolGetUVs(unsigned int setIndex, MFloatArray& uvs) const
MaxwellMayaMaterial*GetTriangleMaterial(unsigned int triangleIndex)
const MaxwellMayaMaterialconst MaxwellMayaMaterial*GetTriangleMaterial(unsigned int triangleIndex) const


Sets the position for a vertex. The positionIndex argument must be between 0 and GetNumPositions() - 1. The number of vertices is specified when the mesh is created and cannot be changed afterwards. The stepIndex argument is relevant when motion blur is enabled. Specify 0 for the initial position or 1 for the final position (Maxwell currently supports only two deformation steps). The number of deformation steps is defined when the mesh is created. In Python, the position argument can be any object which has x, y and z floating point members.


Set all the vertex positions in one call. The arrays must have exactly GetNumPositions() elements. The meaning of the stepIndex argument is the same as in the SetPosition method. In Python, the positions argument can either be a flat list of floating point numbers, in which case it is interpreted as a sequence of x, y, z values (so there must be 3*GetNumPositions() elements) or a list of objects which have xy and z floating point members (e.g OpenMaya.MVector).

bool SetNormal(unsigned int normalIndex, unsigned int stepIndex, const MVector& normal)

Sets the normal at the given index. The normalIndex argument must be between 0 and GetNumNormals() - 1. The number of normals is specified when the mesh is created and cannot be changed afterwards. The stepIndex argument has the same meaning as in the SetPosition method. In Python, the normal argument can be any object which has xy and z floating point members.


Set all the normals in one call. The arrays must have exactly GetNumNormals() elements. The meaning of stepIndex is the same as in the SetPosition method. In Python, the types accepted for the normals argument are the same as in the SetPositions method.
