Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The render calculations can be split up in different "layers" in which case certain calculations can will be ignored. This can produce faster renders if for example Indirect reflective caustics are not needed. It can also be used to split up different lighting "types" into different layers for compositing purposes.

  • Direct: All light that falls directly on an object, without having been bounced off another surface first
  • Indirect: All light that has bounced off another surface at least once
  • Direct Reflective Caustics: caustics caused by direct lighting hitting an opaque reflective surface
  • Indirect Reflective Caustics: caustics caused by indirect lighting hitting an opaque reflective surface
  • Direct Refractive caustics: caustics caused by direct light passing through a transparent refractive material
  • Indirect Refractive caustics: caustics caused by indirect light passing through a transparent refractive material


This section allows you to set different extra channels to be rendered such as Alpha, Z-depth, Position, Motionvector etc. You can choose the bit depth and format and also if they should be embedded or not in the output image file (for file formats that support extra channels such as TIFF, EXR). For more information on the different channels available, see the Channels section.

Render type

You can choose to render both Diffuse and Reflections in the same render (the default) or choose to split up diffuse lighting and reflective lighting. Please note that it is not possible to a get diffuse only, and reflection only render in the same pass, you would have to render the scene twice to get these two separate channels. It is also worth noting that Maxwell Render doesn't have a typical approach to what it considers "diffuse" vs "reflected" (or specular) light because in the real world ALL light is really reflected light. This setting mimicks the behavior of biased renderers but will not totally separate the light into "diffuse" and "reflected", especially for medium roughness materials where the light is neither diffuse or specular.

Embed channels

This option will embed any extra channels in the output image format. File formats that support extra channels are EXR, TIFF, TGA, PNG.


Set the Physical Sky / Skydome lighting options. For more info see the Environment Lighting section.


Set the image based lighting options. For more info see the Image Based Lighting page.


Simulens can mimick certain behaviors of real camera lenses such as bloom and diffraction. For more information see the SimuLens section.


The Diffraction and Scattering Simulens effects can take anything from a few seconds to a few minutes to calculate, depending on the resolution of the render. These calculations will happen at each SL "step" update during rendering. It is therefore recommended to leave them off in the Render Options and instead turn them on inside Maxwell Render after the rendering has finished. Or you can stop the render, turn on diffraction / scattering inside Maxwell Render to see what effect it has, turn them off again, and resume the render.

The Devignetting parameter has no impact on calculation time and can be turned on before the render.