Version 4.2.4 - 05 Sep 2018
- In the case of Assistant Materials, when loading a bitmap the parameters disappeared from the UI.
- Maxwell bitmap was showing only part of the parameters when loaded into an assistant.
- Override Map functionality was not working at all in the case of assistants.
- Occasional crashes when manipulating the Maxwell bitmaps parameters in the assistants.
Known issues:
- Still, there are some quirkinesses in the interface when using the assistants that would require a bigger restructuring of Maxwell bitmap.
Version 4.2.3 - 22 Ago 2018
- Maxwell was not available as render engine in 3dsmax 2015 or older.
- Maxwell Parameters camera panel was missing from Target and Free cameras.
- The channels' output formats were including HDR and BMP, which are not supported by Maxwell; it was saving the channels as EXR. Now those formats are not available.
- Some of the channels' output formats were not showing in their drop-down menus in Windows 7, as they didn't fit in the box.
- 3dsmax was crashing when the Object Properties dialogue was called and Maxwell was not the current render engine.
- Scenes made with the previous versions of the plugin were not opening in 4.2.2. Now they will. (WARNING: please, notice that most probably the scenes saved with version 4.2.2, which was removed from downloads, won't open in 4.2.3; the ones made with 4.2.1 and older will)
- The interface of the new Material Preview Options in the Material Editor, was a bit misaligned and too tight on the sides.
- 3dsmax 2019 was getting frozen when previewing Maxwell Bitmap in Material Editor in Slate mode and in some particular cases.
- MxLight target line was disappearing from viewport as soon as the Mxlight gizmo was moved out of the viewport.
- Some lines in MxLight Projector Gizmo were showing too big or too small depending on the units used in the scene.
- The radius of the MxLight, Area type, with Geom set to Sphere was not changing in the render according to the radius shown in viewport.
Now you have three options:
- Container ID: with this option, it will show the object ID of the mxs reference object, so you can specify it in Appearance tab; it will be the same for all the objects inside the reference; the object ID color of the objects inside the reference won't be taken into account.
- Content ID: with this option, the reference will show the object ids of the objects inside the reference, so they can be many different ones; the object ID color of the mxs reference object itself (the container), will be ignored.
- Recolor: this option will give new object IDs to every object inside the mxs reference in a consistent way, so every time you launch a render they are the same.
Dependencies included in MXS references were not taken into account when doing a pack and go.
In material editor, you could not drag and drop textures from the slots of a coating component (layered material).
Preview scene zoomed out on updating material selection.
- Added button "Open Maxwell Render Setting"
- Denoiser options weren't saved properly in scene files
- When rendering animation only the last denoised image was saved
- Some syntax errors have been fixed
- Added support for 3dsmax 2018
- Added improvements to the Lights Panel
- Button "Change to Layered Material" didn't work properly.
- The Layered Material preview showed the last Material Assistant preview rendered.
- Objects without material were rendered with roughness 0 instead of 100.
- Integrates the render engine.
- Added support for Maya 2016.5
Version 4.0.5 - 02 Dec 2016
- Integrates the render engine.