Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Version 4.2.1 - 21 Feb 2018

  • Update to Maxwell

Version 4.2.0 - 09 Feb 2018

  • Improved. FIRE voxelisation time can be much shorter now, which improves the FIRE workflow.
  • Added (but Disabled) new plugin Preferences tab "GPUs" - Here user can control which GPUs are used by the Maxwell Render engine. It will be enabled when the feature becomes available in Maxwell.
  • Added Triangle ID channel formats to the Output Channels.
  • Added Object ID color export for items.
  • Added Object ID color picker in Maxwell Item Parameters.
  • Added Material ID color export for materials.
  • Added Material ID color picker in Material parameters editor.


  • Added Extra Sampling options to the Render Parameters
  • Added new Custom Alphas Editor
  • Added quick custom alpha creation buttons for items and materials
  • Added Custom Alphas channel formats to the Output Channels
  • Added new Item Parameter Custom Export Name - user can add name to geometry objects, to make it easier to identify an object by name (also useful for Studio export)
  • Added UV and Deep channel formats to the Output Channels
  • Added Pack and Go export function
  • Added Overlay Text controls to the Render Parameters (Post-Processing)
  • Channel Depth has been renamed to Z-buffer
  • The UI of output Channels Format/Depth has been changed, now it is more similar to the Studio channels UI
  • Denoiser Tab is closed by default


  • Built With Maxwell SDK
  • Maxwell Light Dialog - control precision was changed to 4 digits (to provide fine control over small values).
  • Default Grass Type was changed to "Flat".


Version 4.1.1 - 19 Jun 2017

  • Built with Maxwell SDK

Version 4.1.0 - 08 Jun 2017

  • Built with Maxwell SDK
  • Added Support for Revit 2018
  • Plugin now uses central Maxwell installation.
  • Added new Ribbon Button "Lights" (it is enabled only in ortho Views and from Revit 2018 in Perspective views too - but not from Floor views)
  • Added new "Maxwell Lights" Dialog (accessible by the Lights button), which provides quick controls to scene lights (currently: Environment Lights and material emitter lights).
  • Added new Material export parameter "Emission Multiplier" - during export the exporter multiplies the emission value of the converted (or loaded mxm) material with this value (the material emitter controls of the new Light dialog change this value).
  • Render Setting feature groups are now collapsible.
  • Render Settings dialog was changed (to match it better with Maxwell Studio controls)
    • "Layers/Channels" tab has been removed

    • New tab was added "Globals" (Here are the controls responsible for the Global effects - displacement/dispersion, the old Layer settings, and scene conversion parameters)

    • New tab was added "Post-Process" (Here are the controls which add extra effect to the final image: Tone Mapping, Simulens)

    • "Layers" group has been renamed to "Illumination / Caustics"

    • The "Output" tab contains controls related to file output (mxs, mxi and image outputs, channels)

    • "General" tab was simplified, and the new Denoiser controls were added here.

  • (Revit 2018 only) some plugin features (scene export, Material editor, Maxwell parameter change undo/redo) which were disabled in Perspective views, are now accessible from Perspective views too.
  • Added new Denoiser controls (to Maxwell Render Parameters dialog -> General).
  • Render parameter "Quality" has been renamed to "Engine", engine parameter names are: "CPU Production", "CPU Draft", "GPU".
  • Changed error message at Revit start in the case the plugin can not run.
  • CPU Threads can have minus value (minus value means the maximum number of CPUs minus this number).
  • Info text "All" or "All-..." after the CPU Threads control (to show the actual behavior).
