Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Version 4.2.0 - 07 Feb 2018

  • Improved. FIRE voxelisation time can be much shorter now, which improves the FIRE workflow.
  • Added (but Disabled) new plugin Preferences tab "GPUs" - Here user can control which GPUs are used by the Maxwell Render engine. It will be enabled when the feature becomes available in Maxwell.
  • Added Triangle ID channel formats to the Output Channels.
  • Added Object ID color export for items.
  • Added Object ID color picker in Maxwell Item Parameters.
  • Added Material ID color export for materials.
  • Added Material ID color picker in Material parameters editor.
  • In case user changes the cities.txt file of the plugin and the id of the city stored in the Revit file is outside of the range after the change, the Maxwell Render Parameters dialogue doesn't open.

Version 4.1.4 - 20 Sep 2017


  • Added Extra Sampling options to the Render Parameters
  • Added new Custom Alphas Editor
  • Added quick custom alpha creation buttons for items and materials
  • Added Custom Alphas channel formats to the Output Channels
  • Added new Item Parameter Custom Export Name - user can add name to geometry objects, to make it easier to identify an object by name (also useful for Studio export)
  • Added UV and Deep channel formats to the Output Channels
  • Added Pack and Go export function
  • Added Overlay Text controls to the Render Parameters (Post-Processing)
  • Channel Depth has been renamed to Z-buffer
  • The UI of output Channels Format/Depth has been changed, now it is more similar to the Studio channels UI
  • Denoiser Tab is closed by default
  • Revit can crash if plugin opens its log windows immediately after the export process


  • Built With Maxwell SDK
  • Maxwell Light Dialog - control precision was changed to 4 digits (to provide fine control over small values).
  • Default Grass Type was changed to "Flat".
  • Wrong label text for Direct/indirect Render Layers.

Version 4.1.2 - 20 Jun 2017

  • Automatic material conversion can be wrong in many cases (BSDF roughness value is 0 instead of 100)

Version 4.1.1 - 19 Jun 2017

  • Built with Maxwell SDK

Version 4.1.0 - 08 Jun 2017

  • Built with Maxwell SDK
  • Added Support for Revit 2018
  • Plugin now uses central Maxwell installation.
  • Added new Ribbon Button "Lights" (it is enabled only in ortho Views and from Revit 2018 in Perspective views too - but not from Floor views)
  • Added new "Maxwell Lights" Dialog (accessible by the Lights button), which provides quick controls to scene lights (currently: Environment Lights and material emitter lights).
  • Added new Material export parameter "Emission Multiplier" - during export the exporter multiplies the emission value of the converted (or loaded mxm) material with this value (the material emitter controls of the new Light dialog change this value).
  • Render Setting feature groups are now collapsible.
  • Render Settings dialog was changed (to match it better with Maxwell Studio controls)
    • "Layers/Channels" tab has been removed

    • New tab was added "Globals" (Here are the controls responsible for the Global effects - displacement/dispersion, the old Layer settings, and scene conversion parameters)

    • New tab was added "Post-Process" (Here are the controls which add extra effect to the final image: Tone Mapping, Simulens)

    • "Layers" group has been renamed to "Illumination / Caustics"

    • The "Output" tab contains controls related to file output (mxs, mxi and image outputs, channels)

    • "General" tab was simplified, and the new Denoiser controls were added here.

  • (Revit 2018 only) some plugin features (scene export, Material editor, Maxwell parameter change undo/redo) which were disabled in Perspective views, are now accessible from Perspective views too.
  • Added new Denoiser controls (to Maxwell Render Parameters dialog -> General).
  • Render parameter "Quality" has been renamed to "Engine", engine parameter names are: "CPU Production", "CPU Draft", "GPU".
  • Changed error message at Revit start in the case the plugin can not run.
  • CPU Threads can have minus value (minus value means the maximum number of CPUs minus this number).
  • Info text "All" or "All-..." after the CPU Threads control (to show the actual behavior).
  • Turning off Sun disables the Location/Time settings (location and time have effect on the atmosphere look, even if the sun is disabled).


  • CHANGED Added logo image to About box (+ some smaller changes there)

  • FIXED Some objects are not exported and Maxwell Log shows error message: "Int32 get_NumberOfConnectedProperties()[]"
