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When a group or a set of objects are selected in the Scene Tree panel, or an instance is selected in the Instances panel, the Attributes Panel shows the list of parameters that can be changed for that selection. The panel is divided into several sections which can be expanded/ collapsed by clicking on the section title.


  • Position: X, Y, Z world position of the object and its pivot.
  • Rotation: Euler angles of the object and its pivot.
  • Scale: X, Y, Z scale of the object.
  • Shear: shears the object on the X, Y, Z axis.
  • Center: Set the pivot point to the geometric center of each object.
  • Reset: Reset the pivot of the object to the scene center (0,0,0).


To transform an object in all three axis at the same time, enter your desired value in one of the numeric inputs and press Shift + Enter to change all axis to that value.

The Coordinates section on the Object Attributes panel


  • Opacity: You can adjust the overall opacity of an object using this parameter, indifferent of what material is applied to it. It can be applied at Object level (affecting all the materials applied to it) or at Group level (affecting all the objects included). This parameter can be animated in a animation platform to produce vanishing/appearing effects. It can also be useful to quickly setup an AGS glass, by simply creating a mirror materials and reduce the Opacity of the object to something around 10-20%. 
  • Back culling: When checked, it renders the object invisible if its normals are pointing away from the camera.
  • Hidden from Camera: Hide the object from the render view but allow it to contribute to the render calculation (cast shadows, refract etc).
  • Hidden from Reflections/Refractions: Reflected or refracted objects are hidden.
  • Hidden from Global Illumination: The object will render but it will not affect lighting.
  • Hidden from Z-clip Planes: The object will not be cut by Z-clip planes.
  • Normals: Show the normals of the object in the viewport. You can also set their length in the numeric field.


  • Object Id: A color chip to select a custom Id color for the selected object.
  • Backface material: Allows you to map a separate material to the "backface" of a polygon (meaning the opposite side of where its surface normals are pointing). For more details, see Backface material.
  • Boolean: When checked, the object will become a "boolean" meaning it will cut out any part of an object it touches. For more details, see....XXXXXXX
  • Blocked Emitters: In this panel you can specify the emitters you want to exclude from affecting the selected object. This way you can define a custom illumination for each object in the scene. Use the Add and Remove buttons to configure the list of excluded emitters for that object. For more details, see....XXXXXXX


Image ModifiedThe Appearance section on the Object Parameters panel


Object Opacity: A phantasmagorical vanishing portrait and an AGS glass obtained by reducing the object Opacity value



UV Sets

Create a new UV set for the selected object, rename it or remove it. It is also possible to edit the parameters of the currently selected UV set.
To edit a UV set, you should set it to something other than Locked mode. You can select several UV sets at the same time and edit their properties. You can also select several objects at once and all the UV sets of all the selected objects will be listed here.


  • New UV Set: Create a new UV set for the selected object.
  • Normalize: This function will force the UV set to have a size of 1m, regardless of the size of the object it is applied to. It is similar to checking the “Real Scale” box in the Material Editor Texture Picker, and it is useful to normalize the projectors directly, for example if you already applied a material to the object and you do not want to check Real Scale in the material.
  • Adjust to Object: Adjust the position, rotation and scale of the current UV set to the global position, rotation and scale of the object it is attached to.
  • Operator: This option allows you to apply the same transformation to all the selected UV’s at the same time, for example if you wish to scale all the selected UV sets by 10%.
  • Rename: Rename the current UV set.
  • Remove: Remove the current UV set.

The UV Sets section on the Object Parameters panel


Triangle Groups

This section displays all triangle groups belonging to the selected object. Note that only one object has to be selected for the list to display the triangle groups.
To view the triangles associated with a triangle group in the viewport, make sure you are in Triangle Selection mode and select a triangle group. The triangles will be highlighted in the viewport.


Right-clicking on this panel allows you to merge, recalculate, rename and remove the current triangle group.


The Triangle Groups section on the Object Attributes panel


Maxwell Render allows to apply a Modifier extension to alter the geometry of the selected object itself in render time. 


The Triangle Groups section on the Object Attributes panel


The Modifiers panel allows you to add the modifiers to be applied to the selected object, as many as you want, that will be applied in descending order (the one in the top is the first in being applied to the geometry). 
